
I adverb as far as, by the time that, down to, pending, til, to, to the time when, up to, up to the time of II index ad interim

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  • until — until, till 1. Till is not a shortened form of until but is the older word; the un of until adds the element ‘up to, as far as’. The two words can both be used as prepositions (e.g. until/till tomorrow) or conjunctions (e.g. until/till we reach… …   Modern English usage

  • Until — Un*til , prep. [OE. until, ontil; un (as in unto) + til till; cf. Dan. indtil, Sw. intill. See {Unto}, and {Till}, prep.] [1913 Webster] 1. To; unto; towards; used of material objects. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] Taverners until them told the same.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • until — [un til′] prep. [ME untill < un (see UNTO) + till, to, TILL1] 1. up to the time of; till (a specified time or occurrence) [until payday] 2. before (a specified time or occurrence): used with a negative [not until tomorrow] 3. Scot …   English World dictionary

  • Until — Un*til , conj. As far as; to the place or degree that; especially, up to the time that; till. See {Till}, conj. [1913 Webster] In open prospect nothing bounds our eye, Until the earth seems joined unto the sky. Dryden. [1913 Webster] But the rest …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Until — may refer to *Until s use as a computer programming language s control flow construction * Until... , the song from the film Kate Leopold …   Wikipedia

  • until — c.1200, from O.N. und as far as, up to (related to O.E. end; see END (Cf. end)) + till until, up to (see TILL (Cf. till)). Originally also used of persons and places. Cf. Swed. intill, Dan. indtil. The Mod.Ger. equivalent, bis (O.H.G. biaz …   Etymology dictionary

  • Until... — Until... is a song from the 2001 Academy Award nominated and Golden Globe winning film Kate Leopold , sung by Sting. The song won the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song and was nominated for the Academy Award in the same category …   Wikipedia

  • until — [prep] just before as far as, before, before the coming, continuously, down to, in advance of, in expectation, prior to, till, to, up till, up to; concept 820 …   New thesaurus

  • until — ► PREPOSITION & CONJUNCTION ▪ up to (the point in time or the event mentioned). ORIGIN from Old Norse und as far as + TILL(Cf. ↑tillage) (the sense thus duplicated) …   English terms dictionary

  • until */*/*/ — UK [ənˈtɪl] / US conjunction, preposition Summary: Until can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): She continued to get a salary until the end of March. as a conjunction (connecting two clauses): I stayed there… …   English dictionary

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