vitiis inficere

vitiis inficere
index infect

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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Look at other dictionaries:

  • infect — I verb adulterate, befoul, besmirch, blight, canker, cause illness, contaminare, contaminate, corrupt, debase, defile, dirty, empoison, envenom, foul, harm, impair, make ill, make impure, pervert, poison, pollute, putrefy, render unclean, smirch …   Law dictionary

  • entacher — Entacher, Contagione labefacere, B. ex Columel. Dici etiam potest Inficere. N estre point entaché ou entiché de vices, A vitiis abesse. Il y en avoit bien peu qui estoyent entachez de ce cas, Erant perpauci quos ea infamia attingeret …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

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