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  • Voidance — Void ance, n. 1. The act of voiding, emptying, ejecting, or evacuating. [1913 Webster] 2. (Eccl.) A ejection from a benefice. [1913 Webster] 3. The state of being void; vacancy, as of a benefice which is without an incumbent. [1913 Webster] 4.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • voidance — [void′ ns] n. [ME voydaunce < Anglo Fr voidaunce < OFr vuidance] the act of voiding; specif., a) annulment, as of a contract b) vacancy, as of a benefice …   English World dictionary

  • voidance — noun Date: 14th century 1. the act of voiding 2. of a benefice the state of being without an incumbent …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • voidance — /voyd ns/, n. 1. the act of voiding. 2. annulment, as of a contract. 3. vacancy, as of a benefice. [1350 1400; ME, aph. var. of AVOIDANCE] * * * …   Universalium

  • voidance — noun The act of voiding, of defecating or removing …   Wiktionary

  • voidance — Synonyms and related words: BM, abolishment, abolition, abrogation, annulment, bloody flux, bowel movement, cancel, canceling, cancellation, cassation, catharsis, cleaning out, clearance, clearing, countermand, counterorder, crap, defeasance,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • voidance — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun An often formal act of putting an end to: abolishment, abolition, abrogation, annihilation, annulment, cancellation, defeasance, invalidation, negation, nullification. Law: avoidance, extinguishment. See CONTINUE …   English dictionary for students

  • voidance — void·ance || vɔɪdÉ™ns n. cancellation; evisceration …   English contemporary dictionary

  • voidance — noun 1》 the action or state of voiding or being voided. 2》 chiefly Law an annulment of a contract. 3》 Christian Church a vacancy in a benefice …   English new terms dictionary

  • voidance — void·ance …   English syllables

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