want of agreement

want of agreement
index incompatibility (difference), incompatibility (inconsistency)

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  • agreement — 1. Grammatical agreement (also called concord) is the correct relation to each other of different parts of a sentence, so that (for example) the form of the verb corresponds to its subject (The house was small, and its walls were painted white),… …   Modern English usage

  • Agreement in English law — is a part of English contract law which establishes the first stage in the existence of a contract. The three main elements of contractual formation are whether there is (1) offer and acceptance (agreement) (2) consideration (3) an intention to… …   Wikipedia

  • Reparations Agreement between Israel and West Germany — The Reparations Agreement between Israel and West Germany (German: Luxemburger Abkommen , Hebrew: הסכם השילומים ) was signed on September 10, 1952.USHMM: [http://www.ushmm.org/uia cgi/uia query/photos?hr=null query=11019 Chancellor Konrad… …   Wikipedia

  • Nassau agreement — The Nassau Agreement was a treaty negotiated between President John F. Kennedy for the United States and Prime Minister Harold Macmillan for the United Kingdom. It was the result of a series of meetings by the two leaders over three days in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Schengen Agreement — The term Schengen Agreement is used for two agreements concluded among European states in 1985 and 1990 which deal with the abolition of systematic border controls among the participating countries. By the Treaty of Amsterdam, the two agreements… …   Wikipedia

  • Nassau Agreement — The Nassau Agreement, concluded on 22 December 1962, was a treaty negotiated between President John F. Kennedy for the United States and Prime Minister Harold Macmillan for the United Kingdom. It was the result of a series of meetings by the two… …   Wikipedia

  • Gentlemen's Agreement of 1907 — The Gentlemen s Agreement of 1907 (日米紳士協約, Nichibei Shinshi Kyōyaku?) was an informal agreement between the United States and the Empire of Japan whereby the U.S. would not impose restriction on Japanese immigration, and Japan would not allow… …   Wikipedia

  • Comprehensive Income Policy Agreement — The Comprehensive Income Policy Agreement ( fi. tulopoliittinen kokonaisratkaisu, often called tupo ; sv. inkomstpolitiskt avtal) is a tri lateral treaty crafted by the Finnish government together with employees and employers trade unions. It is… …   Wikipedia

  • reaffirmation agreement — An agreement by a chapter 7 debtor to continue paying a dischargeable debt after the bankruptcy, usually for the purpose of keeping collateral or mortgaged property that would otherwise be subject to repossession (SA Bankruptcy.com) A bankruptcy… …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • National income policy agreement (Finland) — Finnish national income policy agreements or comprehensive income policy agreements (Finnish: tulopoliittinen kokonaisratkaisu, often called tupo; Swedish: inkomstpolitiskt helhetsavtal) are tripartite agreements between Finnish trade unions,… …   Wikipedia

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