wean away

wean away
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  • wean — wean1 [wēn] vt. [ME wenen < OE wenian, to accustom, train, with sense of awenian, to wean < a (< af , away) + wenian < IE base * wen , to desire, attain, be satisfied > L venus, love] 1. to cause (a child or young animal) to become …   English World dictionary

  • wean — v. 1) (D; tr.) to wean from (to wean a calf from its mother) 2) (misc.) to wean smb. away from bad company * * * [wiːn] (misc.) to wean smb. away from bad company (D; tr.) to wean from (to wean a calf from its mother) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • wean — verb ADVERB ▪ gradually VERB + WEAN ▪ attempt to, try to PREPOSITION ▪ (away) from ▪ Her parents are try …   Collocations dictionary

  • wean´er — wean1 «ween», transitive verb. 1. to accustom (a child or young animal) to food other than its mother s milk. 2. Figurative. to accustom (a person) to do without something; cause to turn away: »He was sent ay to school to wean him from bad… …   Useful english dictionary

  • wean — Synonyms and related words: alien, alienate, blunt, break of, bring over, chill, convince, cool, cure, damp, dampen, deflect, deter, disaccustom, disaffect, discourage, disincline, disinterest, distract, disunify, disunite, divert, evangelize,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • þwéan — þwéan1 sv/t6 3rd pres þwiehð past þwóg/on ptp geþwagen to wash, cleanse, (1) with object of that which is to be cleansed, (2) with object of that which is to be cleansed away; anoint …   Old to modern English dictionary

  • wean — wɪːn v. break away from something one is accustomed to (i.e. a habit, nursing, etc.) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • wean — 1. v.tr. 1 accustom (an infant or other young mammal) to food other than (esp. its mother s) milk. 2 (often foll. by from, away from) disengage (from a habit etc.) by enforced discontinuance. Etymology: OE wenian accustom f. Gmc: cf. WONT 2. n.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • wean itself away from dependency on — rehabilitate oneself from being dependent on …   English contemporary dictionary

  • turn away — Synonyms and related words: abjure, avert, bear off, blunt, bow out, brush aside, bundle, bundle off, chill, chuck, chuck out, contemn, contradict, cool, damp, dampen, decline, deflect, deny, despise, deter, disaffect, disapprove, discard,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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