
index division (act of dividing)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

In the context of a rights issue, the process of requesting the Registrars to split a provisional allotment letter (PAL) into two or more letters representing, in aggregate, the total number of shares comprised in that PAL, so that they can be renounced in part or to more than one person. A PAL may be split either before or after the rights issue subscription monies are paid, that is nil paid or fully paid.
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Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

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  • splitting — 1. noun a) The action of the verb to split. In other words, something troubling, such as being discovered in the toilets in a shaming way, can be both remembered and also pushed to the periphery of consciousness, a process that psychotherapists… …   Wiktionary

  • splitting — split·ting || splɪtɪŋ adj. causing to split; cleaving; separating; very loud, deafening; very fast; extremely painful n. act of splitting, cleaving, separating, dividing splɪt n. act of splitting; breach between people; share, portion;… …   English contemporary dictionary

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