witness who gives testimony
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one who gives testimony — index witness Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
witness — wit·ness 1 n [Old English witnes knowledge, testimony, witness, from wit mind, sense, knowledge] 1 a: attestation of a fact or event in witness whereof the parties have executed this release b: evidence (as of the authenticity of a conveyance by… … Law dictionary
WITNESS — (Heb. עֵד, one that has personal knowledge of an event or a fact. The evidence of at least two witnesses was required for convicting the accused (Num. 35:30; Deut. 17:6; 19:15; cf. I Kings 21:10, 13). Commercial transactions of importance took… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Witness — • One who is present, bears testimony, furnishes evidence or proof Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Witness Witness † … Catholic encyclopedia
witness — wit•ness [[t]ˈwɪt nɪs[/t]] v. t. 1) to see, hear, or know by personal presence and perception: to witness an accident[/ex] 2) to be present at (an occurrence) as a formal witness, spectator, bystander, etc.: She witnessed our wedding[/ex] 3) to… … From formal English to slang
witness — witnessable, adj. witnesser, n. /wit nis/, v.t. 1. to see, hear, or know by personal presence and perception: to witness an accident. 2. to be present at (an occurrence) as a formal witness, spectator, bystander, etc.: She witnessed our wedding.… … Universalium
witness — /ˈwɪtnəs / (say witnuhs) verb (t) 1. to see or know by personal presence and perception. 2. to be present at (an occurrence) as a formal witness or otherwise. 3. to bear witness to; testify to; give or afford evidence of. 4. to attest by one s… …
witness — [OE] Witness originally meant ‘knowledge’ or ‘wisdom’; it was simply an abstract noun formed from wit. This was extended via ‘knowledge gained by observation’ to ‘testimony’ in the Old English period, and by the beginning of the Middle English… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
witness — [OE] Witness originally meant ‘knowledge’ or ‘wisdom’; it was simply an abstract noun formed from wit. This was extended via ‘knowledge gained by observation’ to ‘testimony’ in the Old English period, and by the beginning of the Middle English… … Word origins
Witness impeachment — Witness impeachment, in the law of evidence, is the process of calling into question the credibility of an individual who is testifying in a trial. There are a number of ways that a witness may properly be impeached, and several ways that,… … Wikipedia