wounded pride

wounded pride
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  • pride — I n. 1) to take pride in 2) to hurt smb. s pride 3) civic; fierce, great, strong; injured, wounded pride (to take great pride in one s children) 4) the pride to + inf. (do they have enough pride to defend their principles?) 5) (misc.) to appeal… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • wounded — wound|ed [ˈwu:ndıd] adj 1.) injured by a weapon such as a gun or knife ▪ a wounded soldier 2.) very upset because of something that someone has said or done ▪ It was only wounded pride that stopped him from apologizing. 3.) the wounded people who …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • wounded — adjective 1 injured by a weapon such as a gun or knife: a wounded soldier | mortally wounded (=injured so badly that you will die) 2 very upset because of something that someone has said or done: wounded pride 3 the wounded people who have been… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • wounded — 1. adjective a) Suffering from a wound, especially one acquired in battle. ...he was deadly pale, and the blood stained bandage round his head told that he had recently been wounded, and still more recently dressed. b) Suffering from an emotional …   Wiktionary

  • wounded — wound|ed [ wundəd ] adjective * 1. ) injured, especially with a cut in your flesh: He could barely move his wounded arm. The wounded men were taken to hospital. 2. ) feeling emotional pain: She s suffering from no more than wounded pride …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • wounded */ — UK [ˈwuːndɪd] / US [ˈwundəd] adjective 1) injured, especially with a cut in your flesh He could barely move his wounded arm. The wounded men were taken to hospital. 2) feeling emotional pain She s suffering from no more than wounded pride …   English dictionary

  • wounded — [ˈwuːndɪd] adj 1) seriously injured wounded soldiers[/ex] his wounded arm[/ex] 2) feeling emotional pain wounded pride[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • pride# — pride n Pride, vanity, vainglory are comparable when they mean the quality or the feeling of a person who is keenly or excessively aware of his own excellence or superiority. The same distinctions in implications and connotations are found in… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Pride Mobility — Products Corp. is the world s leader in the design and manufacture of mobility products, including power chairs and Mobility scooter.Evolving from an existing family business in 1986, Pride began focusing solely on the manufacture of power lift… …   Wikipedia

  • pride — [prīd] n. [ME < OE pryte < prut, PROUD] 1. a) an unduly high opinion of oneself; exaggerated self esteem; conceit b) haughty behavior resulting from this; arrogance 2. proper respect for oneself; sense of one s own dignity or worth; self… …   English World dictionary

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