yearly payment
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yearly — / jɪəli/ adjective happening once a year ● We make a yearly payment of £1000. ● His yearly insurance premium has risen to £250. ● For the past few years he has had a yearly pay rise of 10% … Dictionary of banking and finance
yearly — 1. adjective a yearly payment Syn: annual, once a year, every year, each year, per annum 2. adverb the guide is published yearly Syn: annually, once a year, per annum, by the year, every year, each year … Thesaurus of popular words
Payment for ecosystem services — Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES), also known as Payments for Environmental Services (or Benefits) broadly defined, is the practice of offering incentives to farmers or landowners in exchange for managing their land to provide some sort of… … Wikipedia
half-yearly — /ˌhɑ:f jɪəli/ adjective happening every six months, or referring to a period of six months ● half yearly accounts ● half yearly payment ● half yearly statement ● a half yearly meeting ■ adverb every six months ● We pay the account half yearly … Dictionary of banking and finance
Fixed-Rate Payment — The amount due every period by a borrower to a lender under a fixed rate loan. The fixed rate loan payments will be equal amounts until the loan plus interest are paid in full. The payment amount can be calculated using the following formula:… … Investment dictionary
Fixed rate mortgage — A fixed rate mortgage (FRM) is a mortgage loan where the interest rate on the note remains the same through the term of the loan, as opposed to loans where the interest rate may adjust or float. Other forms of mortgage loan include interest only… … Wikipedia
annuity — an·nu·ity /ə nü ə tē, nyü / n pl ities [Medieval Latin annuitas, from Latin annuus yearly] 1: an amount payable at regular intervals (as yearly or quarterly) for a certain or uncertain period 2: the grant of or the right to receive an annuity his … Law dictionary
California State Lottery — Agency overview Key document (etc.) Website … Wikipedia
premium — pre·mi·um / prē mē əm/ n 1: the difference between the face value or par value of a security and its market price when the latter is greater compare discount 2: the price paid for an insurance contract equal to the cost per unit times the number… … Law dictionary
History of Canterbury, New Zealand — Pre 1840 Maori Period= IntroductionProbably no more than 500 Māori were living in Canterbury when European settlement began in the 1840s. These Māori, part of the Ngāi Tahu tribe which occupied the South Island of New Zealand, were remnants of a… … Wikipedia