
com·pe·tence /'käm-pə-təns/ n: the quality or state of being competent: as
a: possession of sufficient knowledge or skill
b: legal authority, ability, or admissibility
a court of general competence
the competence of witnesses
challenge the competence of the evidence

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (ability) noun adequacy, adroitness, aptitude, capability, capacity, conversance, dexterity, effectiveness, effectuality, efficacy, eligibility, enablement, endowment, equipment, experience, facility, faculty, fitness, flair, forte, gift, grasp, intelligence, legal competence, legal fitness, mastery, potency, proficiency, qualifications, responsibility, skill, skillfulness, sufficiency, suitability, talent, training associated concepts: competency of a witness, competent and intelligent waiver of counsel, competent authority, competent jurisdiction, legally competent foreign phrases:
- Homo potest esse habilis et inhabilis diversis temporibus. — A man may be capable and incapable at different times.
- Nemo praesens nisi intelligat. — One is not present unless he understands.
- Nullus idoneus testis in re sua intelligitur. — No person is deemed to be a competent witness in his own behalf.
- Pupillus pati posse non intelligitur. — An infant is not considered able to do an act to his own prejudice
- Sola ac per se senectus donationem testamentum aut transactionem non vitiat — Old age alone and of itself will not vitiate a will or gift.
II (sanity) noun capability, clearmindedness, coherence, healthy mindedness, lucidity, mental balance, mental capacity, mental equilibrium, mental health, normalcy, normality, normalness, rationality, reason, reasonability, sanemindedness, saneness, sense, senses, sound mind, soundmindedness, soundness, soundness of mind associated concepts: age of maturity, competency of a witness, competent and intelligent waiver of counsel, age of maturity, infancy, legally competent, mental competence, non compos mentis foreign phrases:
- Furiosi nulla voluntas est — A madman has no will
III index ability, caliber (mental capacity), capacity (aptitude), discretion (quality of being discreet), efficiency, experience (background), facility (easiness), faculty (ability), force (strength), gift (flair), penchant, performance (workmanship), potential, power, prowess (ability), science (technique), skill, specialty (special aptitude), sufficiency

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

1) The state of being able or qualified to do something — for example, make a will or testify in court.
2) Authority, authenticity, or admissibility, as in "the competence of the evidence."
Category: Criminal Law
Category: Representing Yourself in Court
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits
Category: Wills, Trusts & Estates → Living Wills & Medical Powers of Attorney
Category: Wills, Trusts & Estates → Financial Powers of Attorney
Category: Wills, Trusts & Estates → Wills

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

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  • compétence — [ kɔ̃petɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1468 « rapport »; lat. competentia 1 ♦ (1596) Dr. Aptitude reconnue légalement à une autorité publique de faire tel ou tel acte dans des conditions déterminées. ⇒ attribution, autorité, 2. pouvoir, qualité. Compétence d un… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • compétence — COMPÉTENCE. s. f. Le droit qui rend un Juge compétent. On lui dispute la compétence. Faire juger la compétence. Cela n est pas de sa compétence. Il faut auparavant juger la compétence. f♛/b] On dit figurément d Un homme qui n est pas capable de… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • competence — Competence. s. f. Le droit qui rend un Juge competent. Il luy dispute la competence. j ay fait juger la competence. cela n est pas de sa competence. On dit fig. A un homme qui n est pas capable de juger d un ouvrage, d une matiere, &c. que Cela n …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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  • Competence — Com pe*tence, Competency Com pe*ten*cy, n. [Cf. F. comp[ e]tence, from L. competentia agreement.] 1. The state of being competent; fitness; ability; adequacy; power. [1913 Webster] The loan demonstrates, in regard to instrumental resources, the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • competence — competence, competency 1. Fowler (1926) remarked that ‘neither has any sense in which the other cannot be used’, and noted that the first form is gaining ground. This assertion remains generally valid, and in the meantime competence has won out… …   Modern English usage

  • competence — (n.) 1590s, rivalry; c.1600 adequate supply; 1630s, sufficiency of means for living at ease, from Fr. compétence, from L. competentia meeting together, agreement, symmetry, from competens, prp. of competere (see COMPETE (Cf. compete)). Meaning… …   Etymology dictionary

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