summary dismissal — UK US noun [C or U] HR, WORKPLACE ► a situation in which a company tells an employee that they have lost their job and must leave immediately because of something dishonest or illegal that they have done: »Some employers claim that recreational… … Financial and business terms
summary dismissal — A dismissal of a civil service employee without giving him opportunity to defend himself or a hearing of any kind. Anno: 131 ALR 396 … Ballentine's law dictionary
dismissal — dis·mis·sal n 1: removal from a position or service 2 a: the termination of an action or claim usu. before the presentation of evidence by the defendant in·vol·un·tary dismissal 1: the dismissal of an action by the court because of the plaintiff… … Law dictionary
summary — [sum′ə rē] adj. [ME < ML summarius < L summa,SUM] 1. that presents the substance or general idea in brief form; summarizing; concise; condensed 2. a) prompt and without formality; expeditious [summary punishment] b) hasty and arbitrary [a… … English World dictionary
dismissal — n. 1) a curt; summary dismissal 2) a dismissal from * * * [dɪs mɪs(ə)l] summary dismissal a curt a dismissal from … Combinatory dictionary
summary — ▪ I. summary sum‧ma‧ry 1 [ˈsʌməri] noun summaries PLURALFORM [countable] a short statement that gives the main information contained in a document, plan etc or the main things that happened at an event, without giving all the details: • Here is a … Financial and business terms
summary — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin summarius, from Latin summa sum Date: 15th century 1. comprehensive; especially covering the main points succinctly 2. a. done without delay or formality ; quickly executed < a summary… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy — (v · d · e … Wikipedia
Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy timeline — Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy (v · d · e … Wikipedia
Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy hearings — Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy (v · d · e … Wikipedia