mayor's court — noun : a court in some cities usually presided over by the mayor and having jurisdiction over violations of city ordinances and other petty criminal or civil matters * * * a city court presided over by a mayor. [1800 10] … Useful english dictionary
mayor's court — a city court presided over by a mayor. [1800 10] * * * … Universalium
mayor's court — A court established in some cities, in which the mayor sits with the powers of a police judge or committing magistrate in respect to offenses committed within the city (e.g. traffic or ordinance violations) and sometimes with civil jurisdiction… … Black's law dictionary
mayor's court — A court established in some cities, in which the mayor sits with the powers of a police judge or committing magistrate in respect to offenses committed within the city (e.g. traffic or ordinance violations) and sometimes with civil jurisdiction… … Black's law dictionary
mayor's court — A municipal or city court presided over by the mayor … Ballentine's law dictionary
lord mayor's court — In English law, this was a court of record, of law and equity, and was the chief court of justice within the corporation of London. Such was abolished by the Courts Act of 1971 … Black's law dictionary
lord mayor's court — In English law, this was a court of record, of law and equity, and was the chief court of justice within the corporation of London. Such was abolished by the Courts Act of 1971 … Black's law dictionary
lord mayor's court — An English court of limited jurisdiction in both law and equity cases, held in London … Ballentine's law dictionary
Mayor's and City of London Court — The Court A … Wikipedia
court — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. solicit, invite; curry favor, cultivate, cajole, praise; woo, sue, make love to. Informal, spark. n. enclosure, [court]yard, quadrangle, patio; tribunal, bench, bar, jurisdiction, session;… … English dictionary for students