premises liability

premises liability
premises liability see liability 2b

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

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  • premises liability — The liability of the owner, lessee, occupant, contractor, or other person for a personal injury sustained on the property …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • premises liability insurance — Insurance protecting an owner or occupant of real property against liability to a person injured by reason of a defective condition of the premises. See public liability insurance …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • liability — li·a·bil·i·ty /ˌlī ə bi lə tē/ n pl ties 1: the quality or state of being liable 2: something for which one is liable: as a: a financial obligation: debt tax liability the bonds …   Law dictionary

  • premises — prem·is·es / pre mə səz/ n pl 1: matters previously stated: as a: the preliminary part of a deed that includes a description of the real estate and that precedes the habendum b: the preliminary part of a bill in equity that states the facts,… …   Law dictionary

  • Premises — For other uses, see Premise Premises are land and buildings together considered as a property. This usage arose from property owners finding the word in their title deeds, where it originally correctly meant the aforementioned; what this document …   Wikipedia

  • Liability insurance — is a part of the general insurance system of risk financing. Originally, individuals or companies that faced a common peril , formed a group and created a self help fund out of which to pay compensation should any member incur loss. The modern… …   Wikipedia

  • comprehensive general liability insurance — n: liability insurance for a business that usu. covers losses from products liability, premises liability, and some liabilities that the insured assumes under a contract (as a lease) Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • public liability insurance — Insurance protecting the insured against liability to a member or members of the public. See automobile liability insurance; liability insurance; premises liability insurance …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Occupiers' liability in English law — English Tort law Part of the common law series Negligence Duty of care Bolam test Breach of duty Causation …   Wikipedia

  • Occupiers' liability (English law) — Occupiers liability is a field of tort law, codified in statute, which concerns the duty of care that those who occupy property owe to people who visit or trespass. It deals with liability that may arise from accidents caused by the defective or… …   Wikipedia

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