Voting rights — The right to vote on matters that are put to a vote of security holders. For example the right to vote for directors. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * voting rights voting rights ➔ right * * * voting rights UK US noun [plural] MEETINGS … Financial and business terms
voting rights — The right to vote on matters that are put to a vote of securityholders. For example the right to vote for directors. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary The entitlement of ordinary shareholders to vote in person or by proxy at annual meetings or… … Financial and business terms
Voting Rights Act — n. A federal law passed in 1965 that guarantees all citizens the right to vote without discrimination by forbidding districts to require people to meet conditions such as literacy tests or educational requirements. The Essential Law Dictionary.… … Law dictionary
Voting Rights Act — of 1965 Full title An act to enforce the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United S … Wikipedia
Voting rights in the United States — The issue of voting rights in the United States has been contentious over the country s history. Eligibility to vote in the U.S. is determined by both Federal and state law. Currently, only citizens can vote in U.S. elections (although this has… … Wikipedia
Voting Rights Act — Präsident Lyndon B. Johnson unterschreibt den Voting Rights Act, 6. August 1965 Präsident Johnson bei einer Ansprache vor dem Kongress vor der Unterzeichnung des Gesetzes … Deutsch Wikipedia
Voting Rights Act — Act passed by the U.S. Congress in 1965 to ensure the voting rights of African Americans. Though the Constitution s 15th Amendment (passed 1870) had guaranteed the right to vote regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude,… … Universalium
Voting rights of Australian Aboriginals — Historically the voting rights of Australian Aboriginals had been restricted in Australian parliaments and local government bodies. Under Section 41 of the Australian Constitution Aboriginals always had the legal right to vote in Australian… … Wikipedia
Voting Rights Act — Le Voting Rights Act (Loi sur les droits de vote) est une loi du Congrès des États Unis qui a été signée par le président Lyndon Johnson le 6 août 1965. Bien qu en théorie les Afro Américains disposaient du droit de vote depuis 1870,… … Wikipédia en Français
voting rights — / vəυtɪŋ raɪts/ plural noun the rights of shareholders to vote at company meetings … Dictionary of banking and finance