Thirty-day notice

Thirty-day notice
   a notice by a landlord to a tenant on a month-to-month tenancy or a holdover tenant to leave the premises within 30 days. Such notice does not have to state any reason and is not based on failure to pay rent. The landlord's service of the notice and the tenant's failure to vacate at the end of 30 days provide the basis for a lawsuit for unlawful detainer (eviction) and a court judgment ordering the tenant to leave. While this is a common notice period, it does not apply in all states or all circumstances, such as local rent control ordinances.
   See also: landlord and tenant, service

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • thirty-day letter — A letter which accompanies a revenue agent s report (RAR) issued as a result of an Internal Revenue Service audit of a taxpayer (or the rejection of a taxpayer s claim for refund). The letter outlines the taxpayer s appeal procedure before the… …   Black's law dictionary

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  • give notice — To communicate to another, in any proper or permissible legal manner, information or warning of an existing fact or state of facts or (more usually) of some intended future action; e.g. tenant giving landlord thirty day notice of termination of… …   Black's law dictionary

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  • ninety-day letter — ninety (90) day letter Statutory notice sent by I.R.S. to taxpayer of tax deficiency. During the 90 day period after the mailing of such notice the taxpayer may either pay the tax and seek a refund or not pay the tax and challenge such alleged… …   Black's law dictionary

  • 90-day letter — ninety (90) day letter Statutory notice sent by I.R.S. to taxpayer of tax deficiency. During the 90 day period after the mailing of such notice the taxpayer may either pay the tax and seek a refund or not pay the tax and challenge such alleged… …   Black's law dictionary

  • ninety day letter — ninety (90) day letter Statutory notice sent by I.R.S. to taxpayer of tax deficiency. During the 90 day period after the mailing of such notice the taxpayer may either pay the tax and seek a refund or not pay the tax and challenge such alleged… …   Black's law dictionary

  • ninety-day letter — ninety (90) day letter Statutory notice sent by I.R.S. to taxpayer of tax deficiency. During the 90 day period after the mailing of such notice the taxpayer may either pay the tax and seek a refund or not pay the tax and challenge such alleged… …   Black's law dictionary

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