intestacy rules

intestacy rules
England, Wales
The statutory rules (set out in the Administration of Estates Act 1925 and the Intestates Estates Act 1952) which govern the distribution of a person's estate where they have not left a (valid) will (or where the will they did leave does not dispose of all of their estate - in which case there is a partial intestacy).

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

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  • intestacy — in·tes·ta·cy /in tes tə sē/ n pl cies 1: the state of dying intestate: an intestate state or condition the invalidation of the will resulted in her intestacy 2: intestate succession at …   Law dictionary

  • Intestacy — Intestate redirects here. It is not to be confused with Interstate. Wills, trusts …   Wikipedia

  • intestacy — Refers to dying without making a will. A situation where a set procedure is used to distribute your assets rather than how you wanted to. Financial Services Glossary * * * intestacy in‧tes‧ta‧cy [ɪnˈtestəsi] noun [uncountable] LAW when someone… …   Financial and business terms

  • Intestacy — The condition of an estate of an individual who dies with property valued greater than outstanding debts, but in which there is not a valid will present. Intestacy may also exist if an existing will does not cover an entire estate. In common law… …   Investment dictionary

  • partial intestacy — England, Wales A partial intestacy occurs where the deceased left a valid will, but the will only disposes of part of the deceased s estate. The intestacy rules apply to the property that has not be disposed of in the will. Practical Law… …   Law dictionary

  • partial intestacy — The circumstances that arise if a will covers only part of the estate of the deceased. The part of the estate accounted for in the will is dealt with according to the wishes of the deceased as set out in the will, while the remainder is allocated …   Accounting dictionary

  • inheritance — /in her i teuhns/, n. 1. something that is or may be inherited; property passing at the owner s death to the heir or those entitled to succeed; legacy. 2. the genetic characters transmitted from parent to offspring, taken collectively. 3.… …   Universalium

  • Administration of an estate on death — In English law, Administration of an estate on death arises if the deceased is legally intestate. In United States law, the term Estate Administration is used.Where a person dies leaving a will appointing an executor, and that executor validly… …   Wikipedia

  • intestate — in·tes·tate 1 /in tes ˌtāt/ adj [Latin intestatus, from in not + testatus testate] 1: having not made a valid will died intestate 2: not disposed of by a valid will intestate property an intestate estate; specif: transmitted according to statuto …   Law dictionary

  • Letters of Administration — are granted by a Surrogate Court or probate registry to appoint appropriate people to deal with a deceased person s estate where property will pass under Intestacy Rules or where there are no executors living (and willing and able to act) having… …   Wikipedia

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