
con·fir·ma·tion /ˌkän-fər-'mā-shən/ n
1: the act or process of confirming, assuring, or upholding
seeking confirmation of the agreement; specif: the ratification of an executive act by a legislative body
senate confirmation of the Supreme Court nominee
2: something that confirms: as
a: an express or implied contract by which a person makes a voidable agreement binding; specif: a definite expression or written memorandum that verifies or substantiates an agreement previously made orally or informally
b in the civil law of Louisiana: a declaration whereby a person corrects the parts of an obligation that are null to make them enforceable
c: a conveyance by which valid title to an estate is transferred to a person already in possession or by which an estate is increased

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun acceptance, accord, accordance, acknowledgment, acquiescence, admission, affidavit, affirmance, affirmation, approval, assent, assertion, assurance, attestation, authentication, authorization, averment, avouchment, certification, corroboration, corroborative statement, declaration, deposition, documentation, endorsement, legal pledge, oath, proof, ratification, sanction, seal, solemn averment, solemn avowal, solemn declaration, stamp of approval, subscription, substantiation, support, swearing, validation, verification, vise, warrant associated concepts: confirmation of judgment, confirmation of sale foreign phrases:
- Non valet confirmatio, nisi ille, qui confirmat sit in possessione rei vel juris unde fieri debet confirmatio; et eodem modo, misi ille cui confirmatio fit sit in possessione. — Confirmation is not valid unless he who confirms is either in possession of the thing itself or of the right of which confirmation is to be made, and, in like manner, unless he to whom confirmation is made is in possession
- Confirmatio est nulla ubi donum praecedens est invalidum. — Confirmation is a nullity where the preceding gift is invalid
- Confirmatio omnes supplet defectus, licet id quod actum est ab initio non valuit — Confirmation supplies all defects, though that which had been done was not valid at the beginning
II index acknowledgment (avowal), admittance (acceptance), affirmance (authentication), affirmation, approval, assent, asseveration, averment, avowal, certification (attested copy), certification (certification of proficiency), charter (sanction), collation, confession, consent, contract, corroboration, disclosure (something disclosed), document, documentation, evidence, indorsement, jurat, legalization, license, permit, proof, ratification, reference (recommendation), subscription, support (corroboration), surety (certainty)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Formal approval; written ratification of something.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

in the Scots law of succession, the official document that allows the executor to administer the estate. It reproduces the inventory of the estate submitted by the executor. The confirmation includes heritage and is effective throughout the whole of the UK. It affects property outside Scotland if the deceased had been domiciled in Scotland. A simpler form is available for small estates in terms of the Small Estates (Scotland) Act 1979. See eik.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

This term has multiple meanings:
• In the context of bankruptcy: also known as confirm and confirmed. The bankruptcy court's final approval of a plan of reorganization or liquidation in Chapter 11, or a payment plan in Chapter 12 or Chapter 13.
• In the context of swaps and derivatives: see trade confirmation.
See also
trade confirmation, Also known as a swap confirmation, or simply a confirmation.
A document which parties to a derivatives transaction use to specify the commercial terms of the transaction, including pricing terms such as spreads. A confirmation also typically lists the notional amount of the transaction and the reference entity, if any. A credit derivatives confirmation will also specify the reference obligation and set out deliverable obligation characteristics (such as, for example, senior unsubordinated notes of the reference entity), among other terms, of the transaction.
Although ISDA publishes certain template confirmations for various types of derivatives transactions, a confirmation can take many forms and is sometimes simply an informal documentation of a bespoke trade (bespoke transaction).
The confirmation is generally incorporated by reference into, and forms a part of, an ISDA Master Agreement. While the ISDA Master Agreement specifies terms that may be applicable to one or more transactions, each transaction under an ISDA Master is usually documented by a separate confirmation.
Parties to derivatives transactions also may use a long-form confirmation, which lists the commercial terms of a transaction in addition to terms that might typically be found in a Schedule, such as additional termination events and events of default.
For more on the confirmation, see Practice Note, ISDA Documents: Overview: Confirmation (
See also

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

1 An action, declaration, document, or statement that corroborates, ratifies, verifies, gives formal approval, or assures the validity of something.
2 A court order enforcing an arbitrator's decision.
See also award, order, judgment.
3 In commercial law, an agreement, usually by a bank, to honor a letter of credit issued by someone else, usually another bank, and to seek reimbursement from the instrument's issuer.
4 In property law, a conveyance of an interest in real property to one who has or claims an existing interest in the property, thereby curing a previous conveyance that was defective, increasing or making permanent a previously conveyed interest, or making avoidable estate certain and no longer voidable.
See also deed.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

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  • confirmation — [ kɔ̃firmasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIIIe; lat. confirmatio 1 ♦ Action de confirmer, de rendre plus certain. ⇒ affirmation, assurance, certitude, consécration. Confirmation d une nouvelle, d une promesse. Il m en a donné confirmation. Confirmation d un acte …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • confirmation — CONFIRMATION. sub. f. Ce qui rend une chose ferme et stable. La confirmation d une Sentence, d un Arrêt. Obtenir des Lettres de confirmation. Payer le droit de confirmation. Confirmation de priviléges, de droits, de prérogatives, d honoraires,… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • confirmation — Confirmation. s. f. v. Ce qui rend une chose plus ferme, plus stable. La confirmation d une Sentence, d un Arrest. obtenir des Lettres de confirmation. Il se dit aussi, De la nouvelle & plus expresse assurance d une chose qui avoit desja esté… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Confirmation — Con fir*ma tion, n. [F. confirmation, L. confirmatio.] 1. The act of confirming or strengthening; the act of establishing, ratifying, or sanctioning; as, the confirmation of an appointment. [1913 Webster] Their blood is shed In confirmation of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Confirmation — (v. lat.), 1) Bestätigung; 2) Bestätigung eines Rechtsgeschäfts durch den Regenten, od. durch die Civilobrigkeit (C. judicialis); diese Bestätigung ist entweder zur Gültigkeit des Geschäfts wesentlich erforderlich (C. utilis, C. necessaria), in… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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