indenture trustee

indenture trustee
See trustee.

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

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  • indenture trustee — Under Title 11 U.S.C. Section 101: (29) The term indenture trustee means trustee under an indenture. United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012 …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • indenture trustee — The trustee named in an indenture which creates a trust …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • trustee — trust·ee 1 /ˌtrəs tē/ n 1: one to whom something is entrusted: one trusted to keep or administer something: as a: a member of a board entrusted with administering the funds and directing the policy of an institution or organization b: a country… …   Law dictionary

  • indenture — in·den·ture /in den chər/ n [Old French endenture an indented document, from endenter to indent (divide a document into sections with irregular edges that can be matched for authentication), from en thoroughly + dent tooth] 1: a document stating… …   Law dictionary

  • indenture — /indentyar/ In business financing, a written agreement under which bonds and debentures are issued, setting forth form of bond, maturity date, amount of issue, description of pledged assets, interest rate, and other terms. Typically, the contract …   Black's law dictionary

  • indenture — /indentyar/ In business financing, a written agreement under which bonds and debentures are issued, setting forth form of bond, maturity date, amount of issue, description of pledged assets, interest rate, and other terms. Typically, the contract …   Black's law dictionary

  • indenture — Agreement between lender and borrower that details specific terms of the bond issuance. Specifies legal obligations of bond issuer and rights of bondholders. An indenture spells out the specific terms of a bond, as well as the rights and… …   Financial and business terms

  • Indenture — Agreement between lender and borrower which details specific terms of the bond issuance. Specifies legal obligations of bond issuer and rights of bondholders. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * indenture in‧den‧ture [ɪnˈdentʆə ǁ ər] noun …   Financial and business terms

  • Trustee — An individual who holds or manages assets for the benefit of another. Trustees make decisions based on due diligence and in the best interest of the beneficiary, and can be held personally liable for their actions if the beneficiary deems there… …   Investment dictionary

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