
cred·i·tor /'kre-də-tər, -ˌtȯr/ n: a person to whom a debt is owed; esp: a person to whom money or goods are due compare debtor, obligor
general creditor: a creditor who is not secured by a lien or other security interest – called also unsecured creditor;
judgment creditor: a creditor who has a money judgment entered against the debtor and may enforce the judgment (as by attachment or writ of execution)
known creditor: a creditor whose potential claim is known or should be known by a debtor and who is entitled to notice of a corporate dissolution or of a date at which claims will be barred (as in bankruptcy)
lien creditor: a creditor who is secured by a lien (as by attachment)
secured creditor: a creditor who has a security interest (as a mortgage)
unsecured creditor: general creditor in this entry

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

noun backer, debtee, investor, lender, mortgagee, pledgee, seller, sponsor foreign phrases:
- Debitorum pactionibus creditorum petitio nee tolli nee minui potest. — The rights of creditors to sue cannot be prejudiced or diminished by agreements between their debtors

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

A person or business to whom a debt is owed. See also debtor

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1. the person to whom a debt is owed by a debtor.
2. in relation to a bankrupt, a person to whom any of the bankruptcy debts are owed (as specified in the bankruptcy order).
3. an individual who would be a creditor in the bankruptcy if a bankruptcy order were made on that petition.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

A person or entity (such as a bank or credit card company) to whom a debt is owed.
Category: Back Taxes & Tax Debt
Category: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure & Debt → Bankruptcy
Category: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure & Debt → Student Loan Debt
Category: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure & Debt → Foreclosure
Category: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure & Debt → Debt & Collection Agencies
Category: Personal Finance & Retirement → Taxes

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

A person or body corporate who is owed money by an individual or company.

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

n. One to whom money is owed or who gives credit to another.
See also debtor.
@ account creditor
One to whom the balance of an account is owed.
@ judgment creditor
One who has the legal right to collect a specific sum because of a judgment entered in his or her favor in a civil action.
+ judgment creditor A creditor who has obtained, through judicial process, a judgment against a debtor; commonly used in bankruptcy proceedings to distinguish such a creditor from others to whom the debtor owes money but do not have judgments. Judgment creditors may be entitled to preferential distribution of a debtor's money if there are insufficient assets to pay all creditors.
See also levy, writ, debtor.
@ secured creditor
A creditor who has been given or pledged collateral to protect against loss if the debtor fails to fully pay the debt owed.
n. A creditor who is holding security in the form of a lien sufficient to cover the amount that the debtor owes, as in a security interest in an automobile by the lender that financed its purchase.
@ unsecured creditor
A creditor who is not a secured creditor.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

An individual to whom an obligation is owed because he or she has given something of value in exchange. One who may legally demand and receive money, either through the fulfillment of a contract or due to injury sustained as a result of another's negligence or intentionally wrongful act. The term creditor is also used to describe an individual who is engaged in the business of lending money or selling items for which immediate payment is not demanded but an obligation of repayment exists as of a future date.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

An individual to whom an obligation is owed because he or she has given something of value in exchange. One who may legally demand and receive money, either through the fulfillment of a contract or due to injury sustained as a result of another's negligence or intentionally wrongful act. The term creditor is also used to describe an individual who is engaged in the business of lending money or selling items for which immediate payment is not demanded but an obligation of repayment exists as of a future date.
II A person to whom a debt is owed by another.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   a person or entity to whom a debt is owed.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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