- criminal
crim·i·nal 1 /'kri-mə-nəl/ adj1: relating to, involving, or being a crimecriminal neglect2: relating to crime or its prosecutionbrought a criminal actioncriminal 2 n1: one who has committed a crime2: a person who has been convicted of a crime
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- criminal
bandit, blackguard, buccaneer, burglar, convict, defrauder, evildoer, extortionist, felon, filcher, fugitive, gangster, grafter, guilty person, gunman, hardened offender, juvenile delinquent, kidnapper, killer, knave, lawbreaker, malefactor, malfeasant, manslayer, marauder, misdemeanant, murderer, offender, outlaw, pilferer, pillager, pirate, plunderer, public enemy, recidivist, recreant, reprobate, reus, robber, sceleratus, smuggler, sneak thief, swindler, terrorist, thief, transgressor, underworld character, villain, worker of iniquity, wrongdoer
associated concepts: convicted criminal, criminal action, criminal attempt, criminal capacity, criminal case or cause, criminal charge, criminal code, criminal conduct, criminal conspiracy, criminal contempt, criminal conviction, criminal courts, criminal information, criminal intent, criminal judgments, criminal jurisdiction, criminal motive, criminal negligence, criminal offense, criminal procedure, criminal process, criminal prosecution, criminal responsibility, criminal sanctions, criminal solicitation, criminal statute criminal syndicalism, criminal transaction, criminal trial, habitual criminal, known criminals
foreign phrases:
- Frustra legis auxllium invocat qui in legem committk. — He vainly seeks the aid of the law who transgresses the lawII index aggressor, assailant, blameful, blameworthy, burglar, convict, culpable, delinquent (guilty of a misdeed), delinquent, embezzler, felon, felonious, guilty, hoodlum, illegal, illegitimate (illegal), illicit, immoral, impermissible, iniquitous, irregular (improper), larcenous, lawbreaker, lawless, malefactor, nefarious, offender, outlaw, peccant (culpable), prisoner, racketeer, recidivist, reprehensible, reprobate, tainted (corrupted), thief, unconscionable, unlawful, vandal, vicious, wrongdoer, wrongful
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- criminal
n.One who commits a crime; one who violates a criminal law.adj.Related to a crime; done with malice or intent to injure.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- criminal
1) A popular term for anyone who has committed a crime, whether convicted of the offense or not. More properly, it applies only to those actually convicted of a crime. Repeat offenders are sometimes called habitual criminals.2) Certain acts or people involved in or relating to a crime. Examples include "criminal taking," "criminal conspiracy," a "criminal gang."Category: Criminal LawCategory: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
- criminal
n.1 One who has committed a crime.2 One who has been convicted of a crime.3 Constituting, implying, or involving a crime or an element of a crime.4 Pertaining to some aspect of the penal code or its administration.@ career criminalOne who repeatedly commits crimes, especially of the same type.See also habitual criminal@ habitual criminalOne who has been convicted of one or more crimes in the past and, as a result, is subject to a more severe sentence under the habitual offender statute of a state for any subsequent crime that they commit. Also called habitual offender.See also career criminal and three-strikes law.@
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
- criminal
Pertaining to, or involving, crimes or the administration of penal justice. An individual who has been found guilty of the commission of conduct that causes social harm and that is punishable by law; a person who has committed a crime.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- criminal
Pertaining to, or involving, crimes or the administration of penal justice. An individual who has been found guilty of the commission of conduct that causes social harm and that is punishable by law; a person who has committed a crime.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
- criminal
1) n. a popular term for anyone who has committed a crime, whether convicted of the offense or not. More properly it should apply only to those actually convicted of a crime. Repeat offenders are sometimes called habitual criminals.2) adj. describing certain acts or people involved in or relating to a crime. Examples of uses include "criminal taking," "criminal conspiracy," a "criminal gang."
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.