cause marketing

cause marketing
cause marketing, Also known as cause-related marketing.
A marketing relationship between a for-profit business and a non-profit charity for the purpose of promoting both the business' goods or services and the charitable cause. In a cause marketing arrangement, the for-profit business pledges to donate to the charity a portion of the revenue earned from the sale of designated products or services in exchange for the charity's grant of certain promotional rights, such as the ability to place the charity's name or logo on related product packaging and promote the relationship in advertising.

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

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  • Cause marketing — or cause related marketing refers to a type of marketing involving the cooperative efforts of a for profit business and a non profit organization for mutual benefit. The term is sometimes used more broadly and generally to refer to any type of… …   Wikipedia

  • Cause Marketing — Le cause marketing ou cause related marketing, dans les pays anglo saxons et aux États Unis en particulier, fait référence à un type de marketing unissant les efforts d une d un organisation à but lucratif et d une autre à but non lucratif afin d …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cause marketing — Le cause marketing ou cause related marketing, dans les pays anglo saxons et aux États Unis en particulier, fait référence à un type de marketing unissant les efforts d une organisation à but lucratif et d une autre à but non lucratif afin d en… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cause-Related Marketing — (CrM) beschreibt eine Art des Marketing, die die kooperativen Bemühungen eines Unternehmens und einer Non Profit Organisation zum gegenseitigen Nutzen in den Mittelpunkt stellt. Der Begriff wird teilweise sehr breit und allgemein auf jede Art von …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cause-related marketing — USA cause marketing, Also known as cause related marketing. A marketing relationship between a for profit business and a non profit charity for the purpose of promoting both the business goods or services and the charitable cause. In a cause… …   Law dictionary

  • cause related marketing — UK US noun [U] (also cause marketing) ► MARKETING a method of marketing products or services in which a company aims not only to make a profit but also to help an organization such as a charity: »Unlike previous cause related marketing, where a… …   Financial and business terms

  • Marketing Politique — Le marketing politique est une variante de la politique de communication marketing qui consiste à promouvoir un homme ou un projet politique sur le modèle des techniques de marketing commercial. Il représente donc un ensemble de méthodes dont… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Marketing De Combat — Pour certains commentateurs, l expression marketing de combat aurait été au départ une traduction de l expression américaine Marketing Warfare. Cette expression a été créée par deux publicitaires new yorkais Jack Trout et Al Ries pour vendre des… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Marketing accountability — is a term that signifies management with data that is understandable to the management of the enterprise. Overview Within marketing accountability the expression “integrated marketing communications” (IMC) implies that marketing and… …   Wikipedia

  • marketing — /mahr ki ting/, n. 1. the act of buying or selling in a market. 2. the total of activities involved in the transfer of goods from the producer or seller to the consumer or buyer, including advertising, shipping, storing, and selling. [1555 65;… …   Universalium

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