ad idem

ad idem
ad idem /'ad-'ī-dəm, 'äd-'ē-dem/ adv [Latin, to the same]: in agreement: at a meeting of the minds
the parties were ad idem

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

ad idem
'to the same things', an important phrase when considered in relation to a contract that requires consensus ad idem – 'agreement to the same things'.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

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  • idem — [ idɛm ] adv. • 1501; mot lat. « la même chose » ♦ Le même (être, objet). S emploie généralement (abré pour éviter la répétition d un nom (dans une énumération, une liste). ♢ Fam. De même. ⇒ itou. « Pars tout de suite, et reviens idem »… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Idem sonans — is a legal doctrine whereby a person s identity is presumed known despite the misspelling of his or her name. The presumption lies in the similarity between the Phonology, or sounds of the correct name and the name as written. Such similar… …   Wikipedia

  • Idem — Pays d’origine Nantes,  France Genre musical …   Wikipédia en Français

  • idem — / ī dəm, ē dem/ pron [Latin, same]: something previously mentioned: the same authority used in citations to cases and other works to refer to an immediately preceding reference compare infra, supra ◇ Idem is usu. used in the form of its… …   Law dictionary

  • idem sonans — idem so·nans / sō ˌnanz, ˌnänz/ adj [Latin, sounding the same]: relating to or being two names having the same or similar pronunciation or sound the two names are not idem sonans Johnson v. Estelle, 704 F.2d 232 (1983) the idem sonans test… …   Law dictionary

  • idem — (izg. ȉdem) pril. DEFINICIJA 1. isti, isto 2. term. u znanstvenim radovima naznaka za već ranije navedenog autora (krat. id.) SINTAGMA idem per idem (izg. idem pȅr idem) log. način definiranja, objašnjenja nekog pojma njim samim, tautološka… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • ídem — (Del lat. idem). pron. El mismo, lo mismo. U. generalmente en las citas para representar el nombre del autor últimamente mencionado, y en las cuentas y listas, para denotar diferentes partidas de una sola especie. ídem de ídem. loc. adv. coloq.… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • idem — ÍDEM adv. Folosit în lucrări, indicaţii bibliografice şi acte administrative pentru evitarea repetării unor date, titluri, citate etc.; acelaşi, la fel, tot aşa. [Prescurtat: id.] – cuv. lat. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  ídem adv.; …   Dicționar Român

  • Idem per idem —         (лат.) то же через то же. Логич. ошибка в определении. Философский энциклопедический словарь. М.: Советская энциклопедия. Гл. редакция: Л. Ф. Ильичёв, П. Н. Федосеев, С. М. Ковалёв, В. Г. Панов. 1983 …   Философская энциклопедия

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