
cus·to·dy n [Latin custodia, from custod - custos guardian]: care or control exercised by a person or authority over something or someone: as
a: supervision and control over property that usu. includes liability for damage that may occur
b: care and maintenance of a child that includes the right to direct the child's activities and make decisions regarding the child's upbringing compare visitation
joint custody: custody of a child shared by divorced or separated parents who alternate physical custody of and share in decisions regarding the child – called also shared custody;
phys·i·cal custody: custody that includes sharing a residence with a child
shared custody: joint custody in this entry
sole custody: custody of a child awarded to only one person and usu. to a parent
tem·po·rary custody: custody awarded until a final judgment in a matter (as a divorce) is made
c: official restraint on freedom (as by arrest or imprisonment or by release on bail, personal recognizance, probation, or parole) compare arrest
constructive custody: custody of a person (as a parolee) who is not under immediate physical control but whose freedom is controlled or restrained by legal authority
penal custody: custody of a person (as in a correctional institution) as a form of punishment
phys·i·cal custody: custody of a person (as an arrestee) whose freedom is under the actual and immediate control of an official
◇ A person need not be in physical custody to be entitled to habeas corpus protection.
preventive custody: custody of a person (as a criminal defendant awaiting trial) for the purpose of preventing further possible dangerous or criminal behavior
pro·tec·tive custody: physical custody of a person for his or her own safety

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (incarceration) noun arrest, arrestment, bondage, bounds, captivity, circumscription, commitment, confinement, constraint, detention, durance, enthrallment, fetter, holding, immuration, immurement, impoundment, imprisonment, limitation, restraint, restriction, safekeeping, thralldom associated concepts: arrest, bail, constructive custody, hold in custody, parole, probation foreign phrases:
- Fortior est custodia legis quam hominis. — The custody of the law is stronger than that of man.
- In custodia legis. — In the custody of the law
II (supervision) noun act of protecting, administration, aegis, auspices, career, care, charge, control, custodia, custodianship, direction, guardianship, guidance, jurisdiction, keeping, management, preservation, preservation from harm, preservation from injury, protection, regulation, safeguard, safekeeping, stewardship, superintendence, trusteeship, wardship, watch associated concepts: custody and control, custody decree, custody of children, custody of property, custody order, custody proceeding, guardianship III index adoption (affiliation), auspices, bondage, captivity, constraint (imprisonment), control (supervision), detention, durance, enclosure, incarceration, possession (ownership), preservation, protection, quarantine, restraint, safekeeping, thrall, ward

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) Responsibility or guardianship of a person or thing.
(2) Imprisonment.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

a concept broader than mere care and control (but encompassing them) involving control over long-term decisions affecting a child's future. It is replaced now by the idea of a residence order as part of parental responsibility: Children Act 1989; Children (Scotland) Act 1995.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

1) In family law, the right to make decisions about or physically live with a child.
2) Holding property under one's control.
3) Holding an accused or convicted person in the control of the state, beginning with the arrest of the person.
Category: Divorce & Family Law → Divorce, Child Support & Custody
The legal authority to make decisions affecting a child's interests (legal custody) and the responsibility of taking care of the child (physical custody). When parents separate or divorce, they may share legal and physical custody, or one parent may have physical custody with the other parent having visitation. (See also: joint custody, sole custody, physical custody, legal custody)
Category: Divorce & Family Law → Divorce, Child Support & Custody

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

1 The immediate control, guarding, or keeping of a thing for its care, inspection, preservation, or security.
2 Any significant restraint or control over a person's freedom to ensure his or her presence at a hearing or trial in a criminal action.
3 The restraint and control over a person who is incarcerated following that person's conviction of an offense.
@ child custody
The physical control over a minor awarded by a court to a parent in a divorce or separation proceeding or in a similar action between the unmarried parents of the child. Such control usually includes the right to have the child live with the parent who is awarded custody, the right to determine the upbringing of the child (including the care, discipline, education, religion, and residence of the child), the right to make all legal decisions concerning the child, and the duty to care for and maintain the child.
@ joint custody
An arrangement ordered by a court or agreed upon by the divorced or separated parents of a minor by which the parents share all authority, decisions, and responsibilities concerning the care and upbringing of their child, although the minor still primarily resides (usually) with only one of the parents.
=>> custody.
@ sole custody
An arrangement ordered by a court or agreed upon by the divorced or separated parents of a minor by which only one parent makes all the decisions and has all the authority and responsibilities concerning the care and upbringing of his or her child, to the exclusion of the other parent.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

The care, possession, and control of a thing or person. The retention, inspection, guarding, maintenance, or security of a thing within the immediate care and control of the person to whom it is committed. The detention of a person by lawful authority or process.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

The care, possession, and control of a thing or person. The retention, inspection, guarding, maintenance, or security of a thing within the immediate care and control of the person to whom it is committed. The detention of a person by lawful authority or process.
II Detaining of a person by lawful process or authority to assure his or her appearance to any hearing; the jailing or imprisonment of a person convicted of a crime.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   1) holding property under one's control.
   2) law enforcement officials' act of holding an accused or convicted person in criminal proceedings, beginning with the arrest of that person.
   3) in domestic relations (divorce, dissolution) a court's determination of which parent (or other appropriate party) should have physical and/or legal control and responsibility for a minor child.
   See also: child custody

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • Custody — Cus to*dy (k?s t? d?), n. [L. custodia, fr. custos guard; prob. akin to Gr. ?????? to hide, and E. hide. Seee {Hide} to cover.] 1. A keeping or guarding; care, watch, inspection, for keeping, preservation, or security. [1913 Webster] A fleet of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • custody — [kus′tə dē] n. pl. custodies [ME custodie < L custodia < custos, a guard, keeper < IE * (s)keudh < base * (s)keus , to cover > SKY] 1. a guarding or keeping safe; care; protection; guardianship 2. the right of having one s children …   English World dictionary

  • custody — [n1] supervision, charge of something aegis, auspices, care, conservation, custodianship, guardianship, keeping, management, observation, preservation, protection, safekeeping, salvation, superintendence, trusteeship, tute lage, ward, wardship,… …   New thesaurus

  • Custody — Nom porté dans le Tarn et Garonne et le Lot et Garonne. Semble désigner soit un gardien de prison, soit une prison ou un poste de garde (toponyme), du latin custos, custodis (garde, geôlier) ou custodia (surveillance, prison). A noter aussi l… …   Noms de famille

  • custody — mid 15c., from L. custodia guarding, watching, keeping, from custos (gen. custodis) guardian, keeper, protector, from PIE * (s)keu to cover, conceal (see HIDE (Cf. hide) (n.1)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • custody — ► NOUN 1) protective care or guardianship. 2) Law parental responsibility, especially as allocated to one of two divorcing parents. 3) imprisonment. DERIVATIVES custodial adjective. ORIGIN Latin custodia, from custos guardian …   English terms dictionary

  • custody — The care and control of a thing or person. The keeping, guarding, care, watch, inspection, preservation or security of a thing, carrying with it the idea of the thing being within the immediate personal care and control of the person to whose… …   Black's law dictionary

  • custody — The care and control of a thing or person. The keeping, guarding, care, watch, inspection, preservation or security of a thing, carrying with it the idea of the thing being within the immediate personal care and control of the person to whose… …   Black's law dictionary

  • custody — cus|to|dy [ˈkʌstədi] n [U] [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: custodia guarding , from custos person who guards ] 1.) the right to take care of a child, given to one of their parents when they have ↑divorced custody of ▪ He got custody of his son …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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