- blasphemy
blas·phe·my /'blas-fə-mē/ n pl -mies: the crime of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God or a religion and its doctrines and writings and esp. God as perceived by Christianity and Christian doctrines and writings see also amendment i to the constitution in the back matter◇ In many states, blasphemy statutes have been repealed as contrary to the First Amendment.
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- blasphemy
apostasy, blasting, cursing, derogation of religion, desecration, disrespect, epithet, execration, expletive, heresy, iconoclasm, impiety, impious utterance, impiousness, imprecation of evil, irreverence, irreverent behavior, lack of piety, lack of reverence, malediction, profanation, profane oath, profaneness, revilement of religion, sacrilege, sacrilegiousness, sanctimoniousness, solemn mockery, swearing, unholiness, unorthodoxy, unsacredness
associated concepts: freedom of religion, libel and slander
foreign phrases:
- Nec veniam, l'aeso numine, casus habet. — Where the divinity is insulted the case cannot be pardonedII index imprecation, profanity
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- blasphemy
n.Irreverent or profane speech or writing about religion or sacred things.v.blasphemeadj.blasphemous
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- blasphemy
statements, oral or written, that, in an offensive or insulting manner, impugn the doctrines of Christianity, the Bible, the Book of Common Prayer or the existence of God. The crime does not strike at similar conduct in relation to non-Christian religions. Blasphemy is a crime at common law. There is one old English case that suggests the doctrine applies only to the Anglican denomination. In Scotland there has been modern academic scepticism as to its continued existence.
Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001.
- blasphemy
n. The act of reviling, ridiculing, or being disrespectful or irreverent of, by words or conduct, God, religion, a religious doctrine, a religious icon, or anything considered sacred. A crime under the common law if the blasphemy was directed towards Christianity or Christian doctrine and icons and is still a statutory crime (although rarely enforced) in many states.
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
- blasphemy
The malicious or wanton reproach of God, either written or oral. In English law, the offense of speaking disparaging words about God, Jesus Christ, the Bible, or the Book of Common Prayer with the intent to undermine religious beliefs and promote contempt and hatred for the church as well as general immorality. In U.S. law, any maliciously intended written or oral accusation made against God or religion with the purpose of dishonoring the divine majesty and alienating mankind from the love and reverence of God.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- blasphemy
The malicious or wanton reproach of God, either written or oral. In English law, the offense of speaking disparaging words about God, Jesus Christ, the Bible, or the Book of Common Prayer with the intent to undermine religious beliefs and promote contempt and hatred for the church as well as general immorality. In U.S. law, any maliciously intended written or oral accusation made against God or religion with the purpose of dishonoring the divine majesty and alienating mankind from the love and reverence of God.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.