collatio inter haeredes

collatio inter haeredes
the doctrine in the Scots law of succession, now abolished, whereby an heir-at-law who sought to claim on the legitim fund had to bring into account the heritable property to which he was heir to the fund. See collatio inter liberos, hotchpot.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

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  • collatio inter liberos — in the Scots law of succession the doctrine that requires sums advanced to children other than for aliment or under natural duty or as a loan to be repaid, notionally, before the legitim fund is distributed. See collatio inter haeredes, hotchpot …   Law dictionary

  • collation inter haeredes — ˈintərheˈrēˌdēz noun Etymology: part translation of New Latin collatio inter haeredes collation among heirs Scots law : collation by an heir to heritable property who is also entitled to share in the movable property to prevent unfair diminution… …   Useful english dictionary

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