- debit
amount due, amount payable, arrears, bills, commitment, debt, deferred payment, expensum, indebtedness, liability, obligation, pecuniary due, sum owing, that which is owed
associated concepts: debit agent, debit and credit system, debit life insurance
foreign phrases:
- Perjuri sunt qui servatis verbis furamenti decipiunt aures eorum qui accipiunt. — They are perjured, who, by preserving the words of an oath, deceive the ears of those who receive it- Non decipltur qui scit se declpi. — a person is not deceived who knows she is being deceived.- Fraus et dolus nemini patrocinari debent — Fraud and deceit should not excuse anyoneII index arrears, charge (cost), debt, due, expense (cost), liability, obligation (liability)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- debit
n.In accounting, a sum of money that is charged and due; the opposite of credit.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- debit
1. to take money from a person's account, in contrast to credit, which is the putting of money into an account.
Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001.
- debit
A sum charged as due or owing. An entry made on the asset side of a ledger or account.The term is used in bookkeeping to denote the left side of the ledger, or the charging of a person or an account with all that is supplied to or paid out for that person or for the subject of the account.Also, the balance of an account where it is shown that something remains due to the party keeping the account.As a noun, an entry on the left-hand side of an account. As a verb, to make an entry on the left-hand side of an account. A term used in accounting or bookkeeping that results in an increase to an asset and an expense account and a decrease to a liability, revenue, or owner's equity account.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- debit
A sum charged as due or owing. An entry made on the asset side of a ledger or account.The term is used in bookkeeping to denote the left side of the ledger, or the charging of a person or an account with all that is supplied to or paid out for that person or for the subject of the account.Also, the balance of an account where it is shown that something remains due to the party keeping the account.As a noun, an entry on the left-hand side of an account. As a verb, to make an entry on the left-hand side of an account. A term used in accounting or bookkeeping that results in an increase to an asset and an expense account and a decrease to a liability, revenue, or owner's equity account.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.