Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)

Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
a three-stage process for establishing Economic and Monetary Union in the European Communities, proposed by a committee of the European Council in 1989 (although a currency 'snake' was a clear precursor). The first stage simply involves the coordination of existing structures and preparation of consequential and necessary amendments to the Treaties. This stage began on 1 July 1990. The next two stages have not been unanimously taken forward: the establishment of the euro, the single European currency, and the establishment of a European Central Bank.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

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  • Economic and Monetary Union — ➔ EMU * * *    ► See EMU. * * * Economic and Monetary Union UK US noun ► EMU(Cf. ↑EMU) …   Financial and business terms

  • Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union — In economics, a monetary union is a situation where several countries have agreed to share a single currency amongst themselves. The European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) consists of three stages coordinating economic policy and culminating… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic and monetary union — An economic and monetary union is a single market with a common currency. It is to be distinguished from a mere currency union (e.g. the Latin Monetary Union in the 1800s), which does not involve a single market. This is the fifth stage of… …   Wikipedia

  • economic and monetary union — (EMU)    Economic and monetary union was a bold and ambitious plan for the coordination of economic policy and culminating in the use of a single currency in the European Union. The adoption of the euro in 1999 involved the unification of… …   Glossary of UK Government and Politics

  • Economic and Monetary Union — [Economic and Monetary Union] (also European Monetary Union)(abbr EMU) the idea that there should be completely free movement of people, goods and money between the countries of th …   Useful english dictionary

  • European Economic and Monetary Union - EMU — The successor to the European Monetary System (EMS), the combination of European Union member states into a cohesive economic system, most notably represented with the adoption of the euro as the national currency of participating members. The… …   Investment dictionary

  • Economic and Monetary Union — Economic and Mon|e|ta|ry U|nion →↑EMU …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Economic and Monetary Union — (also European Monetary Union) (abbr EMU) the idea that there should be completely free movement of people, goods and money between the countries of the European Union. From 1 January 1993 many controls on the movement of goods and people between …   Universalium

  • Economic and Monetary Union — (EMU)   An objective of the EC since 1969. The Treaty on European Union established a timetable for full EMU to be achieved by 1999 at the latest …   Glossary of the European Union and European Communities

  • Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs — The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) is a committee of the European Parliament. Since Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), the most important function of this Committee (EMAC) has been in relation to the European Central Bank (ECB) …   Wikipedia

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