
fine 1 n [Anglo-French fin fine & Medieval Latin finis end, boundary, agreement, payment for release or privilege, monetary penalty, from Latin finis end, boundary]
1: a sum imposed as punishment for an offense compare restitution
2: a forfeiture or penalty paid to an injured party in a civil action
fine 2 vt fined, fin·ing: to impose a fine on: punish by fine

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun amercement, compulsory payment, forfeit, forfeiture, legal liability, liability, mulct, multa, payment for misconduct, pecuniary penalty, pecuniary punishment, penalty, prescribed punishment, sconce associated concepts: excessive fine, forfeitures, penalties foreign phrases:
- Quam rationabilis debet esse finis, non definitur, sed omnibus circumstantiis inspectis pendet ex justiciariorum discretions — What a reasonable fine ought to be is not defined, but is left to the discretion of the judges, all the circumstances being considered
- Muicta damnum famae non irrogat — A fine does not impose a loss of reputation.
II verb amerce, exact a penalty, exact retribution, impose a forfeiture, impose a mulct, impose a penalty, impose payment for misconduct, impose pecuniary punishment, inflict a penalty upon, mulct, multare, penalize, punish, punish by pecuniary penalty, subject to a pecuniary penalty, tax III index acute, amercement, appropriate, cost (penalty), damages, forfeiture (thing forfeited), impalpable, meritorious, narrow, penalize, penalty, premium, rare, sapid, tenuous, trover, valuable

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Money that a person must pay as a penalty for a crime or wrongful act.
To punish someone by making him or her pay a fine.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

a monetary penalty imposed in criminal matters. It may be accepted in instalments, and in some cases, essentially based on means, the court may remit (extinguish) the fine. In the UK there are maximum levels of fines laid down for certain offences. Some levels are changed every so often in accord with the change in the value of money. There are statutory equivalent periods of imprisonment laid down for failure to pay fines.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

n. An amount of money paid as a penalty for a criminal or civil infraction.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

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  • fine — [ fin ] n. f. • XIXe; de 2. fin ♦ Eau de vie de raisin de qualité supérieure. ⇒ cognac. Fine champagne (la Champagne désignant une région autour de Cognac). Une bouteille de fine. Verre de fine. Garçon, une fine ! Une fine à l eau. ⊗ HOM. Fines,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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