- adjustment
abatement of differences, accommodatio, accommodation, accord, accordance, adaptation, agreement, arrangement, attunement, bargain, binding agreement, coaptation, compact, composition, compromise, concurrence, conformance, conformation, conformity, congruence, congruity, consistency, contract, coordination, correction, covenant, disposition, harmony, mutual concession, mutual understanding, negotiation, pact, reconcilement, reconciliation, rectification, regulating, settlement, stipulation, terms, understanding, uniformity
associated concepts: adjusted basis, adjusted reserves, adjustment of contracts, adjustment of loss, adjustments in wills
accord, accordance (compact), accordance (understanding), amendment (correction), arbitration, arrangement (understanding), collection (payment), collective bargaining, compatibility, compromise, conciliation, conformity (agreement), correction (change), disposition (determination), disposition (final arrangement), expiation, habituation, justification, mediation, mitigation, modification, order (arrangement), reconciliation, regulation (management), rehabilitation, repair, reparation (indemnification), restitution, settlement, treatment
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- adjustment
1. the computation of the amount due to an insured and the fixing of the proportion to be borne by the underwriters.2. in Scottish civil procedure, the changing of the writ or defences before the record is closed.
Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001.
- adjustment
The settlement of how much is to be paid on a claim or debt. For example, an IRS-approved change to a tax liability as originally reported on a tax return. Or, an insurance company's settlement on a claim. Also includes deductions from an individual taxpayers total income on Form 1040.Category: Personal Finance & Retirement → Money & Taxes for RetireesCategory: Personal Finance & Retirement → Taxes
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.