House of Lords

House of Lords
House of Lords: the upper house of the British parliament composed of the lords temporal and spiritual – called also Lords;

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

House of Lords
The upper house of the British Parliament, consisting of representatives from the nobility.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

House of Lords
in the constitutional law of the UK, one of the two chambers of Parliament, the other being the House of Commons. It is composed of Lords Spiritual, being the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and other senior bishops. Until 1999 the rest of the membership was predominantly made up of hereditary peers of whom there were several hundred but very few of whom actually sat. The majority of the peers in attendance are the life peers and peeresses. There are over three hundred such peers. The Speaker of the House of Lords is the Lord Chancellor. At the end of the 1998–99 session, in accordance with Section 1 of the House of Lords Act 1999, 655 hereditary peers ceased to be members of the House while, under Section 2, 90 hereditary peers, the Earl Marshal and the Lord Great Chamberlain remained as members for their lifetime or until a subsequent Act provides otherwise. This change had the effect of reducing the total membership of the House from 1,330 in October 1999 to 669 in March 2000. A Royal Commission reported in 2000, and further reform to democratise and modernise the House seems inevitable.
The House of Lords is also the highest court in the land, although not in respect of criminal matters in Scotland where there is no appeal from the High Court of Justiciary (although the same individual law lords sitting on the constitutionally different Board of the Privy Council now can reverse the High Court on devolution issues). To make sure that there is an adequate number of sufficiently qualified persons to carry out this task, it has been possible since 1876 to appoint Law Lords who may speak in a personal capacity on ordinary political matters.
The House reviews legislation in often impressive debates. It can delay legislation, initiate non-controversial legislation and scrutinises legislation of the European Union.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

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  • House of Lords — 〈[ haʊs ɔv lɔ:dz] n.; ; unz.〉 Oberhaus, erste Kammer des brit. Parlaments * * * House of Lords [ lɔ:dz ], das; [engl. = Haus der Lords]: britisches Oberhaus. * * * House of Lords [ lɔ:dz], das; [engl. = Haus der Lords]: das britische Oberhaus …   Universal-Lexikon

  • House of Lords — ˌHouse of ˈLords noun the less powerful of the two parts of the British parliament. Its members are not elected by the people: they either belong to old Noble families or they are lifes (= people who have been given a special title because of… …   Financial and business terms

  • House of Lords — [ lɔ:dz] das; <aus engl. House of Lords, eigtl. »Haus der Lords«> das engl. Oberhaus …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • House of Lords — n the House of Lords the part of the British parliament whose members are not elected but have positions because of their rank or title …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • House of Lords — House′ of Lords′ n. gov the nonelective upper house of the British Parliament …   From formal English to slang

  • House of Lords — n. the upper house of the legislature of Great Britain, made up of the nobility and high ranking clergy …   English World dictionary

  • House of Lords — 〈 [haʊs ɔf ] n.; Gen.: ; Pl.: unz.〉 Oberhaus, erste Kammer des brit. Parlaments …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • House of Lords — 1) noun the chamber of Parliament in the UK composed of peers and bishops. 2) a committee of specially qualified members of this chamber, appointed as the ultimate judicial appeal court of England and Wales …   English terms dictionary

  • House of Lords — This article is about the British House of Lords. For other uses, see House of Lords (disambiguation). The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled …   Wikipedia

  • House of Lords — Das House of Lords ist das Oberhaus des Britischen Parlaments. Dieses umfasst weiterhin das Unterhaus, das House of Commons genannt wird, und den Monarchen selbst. Das House of Lords besteht aus zwei Mitgliederklassen, deren Angehörige aber nicht …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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