
1. a number applied by multiplication to a multiplicand to produce a figure for damages in cases of future loss, which will provide an appropriate annuity equivalent to the loss but which will itself be exhausted at the time of the notional death.
In calculating damages for future loss of earnings, courts are faced with the difficulty that the person is not earning the money and is not going to earn the money, so they have to make a hypothetical calculation. It would be to overcompensate to subtract the plaintiff's age from the retirement and multiply the annual wage loss (as adjusted by various factors to become a multiplicand) by that figure. That would provide a capital sum immediately and would not reflect the fact that the last pound would not have been earned for many years. Secondly, there are the vicissitudes of life. Not everyone lives to retirement age. Accordingly, mutipliers are now best found from appropriate use of the actuarial Ogden tables: Wells v. Wells [1998] 3 All ER 480.
2. an old word for an alchemist, who pretended to increase the quantity of gold or silver.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

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  • multiplier — [ myltiplije ] v. <conjug. : 7> • 1120, var. molteplier, monteplier; lat. multiplicare; cf. multiple I ♦ V. intr. Vx 1 ♦ Rare Augmenter en nombre. « les conséquences multiplient à proportion » (Pascal). 2 ♦ Augmenter en nombre par la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • multiplier — [mul′tə plī΄ər] n. 1. a person or thing that multiplies or increases 2. Econ. the ratio between the total increase in income resulting from the stimulating effect of an initial expenditure and the initial expenditure itself 3. Math. the number by …   English World dictionary

  • Multiplier — Multiplication  Cet article concerne l opération arithmétique. Pour les autres significations, voir Multiplication (homonymie). La multiplication de 4 par 3 donne le même résultat que la mul …   Wikipédia en Français

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