
de·por·ta·tion /ˌdē-ˌpōr-'tā-shən/ n: an act or instance of deporting; specif: the removal from a country of an alien whose presence is illegal or detrimental to the public welfare compare exclusion

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun banishment, casting out, dislocation, dismissal, displacement, driving out, ejection, ejectment, elimination, eviction, exclusion, exile, exilement, expatriation, expulsion, extradition, extrusion, forced departure, forced leave taking, ouster, purge, removal, riddance, sending away, thrusting out II index banishment, exclusion, expulsion, extradition, ostracism, rejection, removal

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

the expulsion of a person from the UK. Deportation is authorised under the Immigration Act 1971 in the case of persons not having a right of abode in the UK. Deportation from the UK may be ordered in five circumstances, namely:
(1) if the person has overstayed or broken a condition attached to his permission to stay;
(2) if another person to whose family he belongs is deported;
(3) if (the person being 17 or over) a court recommends deportation on his conviction of an offence punishable with imprisonment;
(4) if the Secretary of State thinks his deportation would be for the public good; or
(5) obtaining leave to enter by deception.
A deportation order is an administrative requirement by the Secretary of State (or on the recommendation of a court) that the person to whom the order is addressed leave the UK and not return. It nullifies any leave the person had to enter or remain. The person is notified of the decision, the reasons and the place to which the person is to be deported. A right of appeal exists, and during the time that appeals are pending no deportation order may be executed.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

See: removal
Category: Immigration

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

n. The act of expelling an illegal alien, or someone whose immigration status has expired or been revoked, to a foreign country.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

Banishment to a foreign country, attended with confiscation of property and deprivation of civil rights.
The transfer of an alien, by exclusion or expulsion, from the United States to a foreign country.
The removal or sending back of an alien to the country from which he or she came because his or her presence is deemed inconsistent with the public welfare, and without any punishment being imposed or contemplated. The grounds for deportation are set forth at 8 U.S.C.A. § 1251, and the procedures are provided for in §§ 1252-1254.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

Banishment to a foreign country, attended with confiscation of property and deprivation of civil rights.
The transfer of an alien, by exclusion or expulsion, from the United States to a foreign country.
The removal or sending back of an alien to the country from which he or she came because his or her presence is deemed inconsistent with the public welfare, and without any punishment being imposed or contemplated. The grounds for deportation are set forth at 8 U.S.C.A. § 1251, and the procedures are provided for in §§ 1252-1254.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   the act of expelling a foreigner from a country, usually because he/she has a criminal record, committed a crime, lied on his/her entry documents, is in the country illegally or his/her presence is deemed by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, FBI or State Department officials to be against the best interests of the nation. Deportation is usually to the country of origin.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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