- diligence
dil·i·gence /'di-lə-jəns/ n: earnest and persistent application of effort esp. as required by law; also: care (1) see also due diligence
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- diligence
(care) noun
absorption of mind, active application, active attention, active study, active thought, adsiduitas, advertence, advertency, alertness, application, attention, attention to detail, carefulness, caution, check-up, circumspection, close application, close attention, close study, close thought, concern, consideration, contemplation, deep application, deep attention, deep study, deep thought, deliberate application, deliberate attention, deliberate study, deliberate thought, diligent application, diligent attention, diligent study, diligent thought, diligentia, earnestness, exactitude, exactness, exclusive application, exclusive attention, exclusive study, exclusive thought, fastidiousness, foresight, guard, heed, needfulness, industria, inquisitive attention, inspection, intense application, intense study, intense thought, intentness, meticulousness, mindfulness, minute application, minute attention, minute study, minute thought, minuteness, observation, orderliness, painstaking, particularity, pedantry, preparedness, profound application, profound attention, profound study, profound thought, prudence, rapt attention, readiness, regard, review, scrutiny, seriousness, single-mindedness, studiousness, study, thoroughgoingness, thoroughness, undivided attention, utmost care, vigilance, wakefulness, wariness, watchfulness, whole attention, whole mind
associated concepts: due diligence, lack of diligence, ordinary diligence, reasonable diligence, utmost diligence
(perseverance) noun
application, ardor, assiduity, assiduousness, constancy, continuance, determination, devotedness, devotion, doggedness, earnestness, endurance, firmness of purpose, fixity of purpose, habitual devotion, indefatigability, industriousness, insistence, intentness, intrepidity, meticulosity, patience, persistence, persistency, persistent exertion, pertinacity, purposefulness, relentlessness, resolution, restlessness, sedulity, sedulousness, singleness of purpose, staying power, steadfastness, steadiness, steady application, strength of will, stubbornness, tenaciousness, tenacity, tirelessness, undauntedness, undivided attention, vigilence, vigor, zeal, zealousness
associated concepts: diligence in prosecution
caution (vigilance)
dispatch (promptness)
industry (activity), tenacity, work (effort)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- diligence
n.Persistence and care; attentiveness; hard work.adj.diligent
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- diligence
the term used in Scotland for the body of law relating to the enforcement of obligations. See execution.
Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001.
- diligence
Reasonable care or attention to a matter.Category: Representing Yourself in CourtCategory: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
- diligence
n. The effort required to carry out a responsibility or to meet a standard of care.@ due diligenceItalian A thorough review of documents, financial statements, and other relevant information pertaining to a proposed corporate transaction such as an acquisition or merger; lack of due diligence by one undertaking an examination of books and records may give rise to liability of that individual if the entity being acquired has lower value than expected.@
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
- diligence
Vigilant activity; attentiveness; or care, of which there are infinite shades, from the slightest momentary thought to the most vigilant anxiety. Attentive and persistent in doing a thing; steadily applied; active; sedulous; laborious; unremitting; untiring. The attention and care required of a person in a given situation; the opposite of negligence.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- diligence
Vigilant activity; attentiveness; or care, of which there are infinite shades, from the slightest momentary thought to the most vigilant anxiety. Attentive and persistent in doing a thing; steadily applied; active; sedulous; laborious; unremitting; untiring. The attention and care required of a person in a given situation; the opposite of negligence.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
- diligence
n.reasonable care or attention to a matter, which is good enough to avoid a claim of negligence, or is a fair attempt (as in due diligence in a process server's attempt to locate someone).
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.