
dis·clo·sure /dis-'klō-zhər/ n: an act or instance of disclosing: as
a: a lender's revelation of information to a consumer under the Truth in Lending Act that enables the consumer to make an intelligent decision about the loan
b: the revelation to investors of financial information about a corporation or municipality and about the security it is offering for sale see also prospectus, registration statement
◇ Disclosure is required for a public offering.
c: revelation by a corporate insider (as an officer) for approval of a business transaction that involves self-dealing
d: a debtor in bankruptcy's revelation to creditors of a bankruptcy plan

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (act of disclosing) noun admission, advisement, announcement, apprisal, assertion, communication, concession, confession, declaration, disclosing, dissemination, divulgation, divulgement, divulgence, enlightenment, enumeration, exposition, exposure, informing, making aware, making public, mention, notification, patefactio, presentation to view, proclamation, production, profession, publication, recital, recitation, relation, representation, revealing, revealment, showing, telling, uncovering, uncovery, unfolding, unfoldment, unmasking, unveiling, uttering associated concepts: disclosure device, disclosure of assets, disclosure of interest, duty of disclosure, false disclosure, nondisclosure, right to disclosure, voluntary disclosure foreign phrases:
- Suppressio veri, suggestio falsi. — The supression of truth is equivalent to the suggestion of what is false.
II (something disclosed) noun acknowledgement, admission, affirmation, announcement, answer, assertion, averment, avowal, communication, concession, confession, confirmation, declaration, deposition, discovery, divulgence, enunciation, explanation, expose, exposition, expression, indicium, information, inside information, knowledge, manifestation, message, news, notice, notification, presentation, proclamation, profession, publication, recital, remark, report, revealment, revelation, statement, testimony, utterance, word III index assertion, common knowledge, communication (statement), confession, denouement, deposition, detection, discovery, divulgation, exhibit, expression (manifestation), identification, manifestation, notice (announcement), notification, profession (declaration), publicity, report (detailed account), testimony

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

The making known of a fact that had previously been hidden; a revelation. For example, in many states you must disclose major physical defects in a house you are selling, such as a leaky roof or potential flooding problem; and in all states, you must disclose the presence of lead-based paint hazards in buildings constructed before 1978.
Category: Real Estate & Rental Property → Renters' & Tenants' Rights
Category: Real Estate & Rental Property → Selling a House
Category: Real Estate & Rental Property → Buying a House
Category: Real Estate & Rental Property → Homeowners
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

The buyer will want the seller to make certain assurances ("warranties (warranty)") about the state of the business (e.g., assets in good condition). If the assurance is incorrect and the seller did not disclose it, it may be sued later for breach of the warranty. The seller will therefore be keen to disclose as much as possible beforehand. Disclosures are usually made in a disclosure letter.
This term has a number of potential meanings:
• In the context of acquisitions, the process of the seller making general and specific disclosures against the warranties (warranty) contained in an acquisition agreement. If the seller fails to disclose a relevant matter, in respect of the warranties, it may be sued by the buyer for breach of warranty. The seller usually makes his disclosures in a disclosure letter and attaches relevant documents to that letter to support its disclosures.
• In the context of dispute resolution, stating in a formal list whether a document exists or has existed and whether you are willing to allow your opponent(s) to inspect it.
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Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

n. The release of information about a person or entity. Of a corporation, the filing of documents and statements required by law; in litigation, the release of documents and other information subpoenaed or otherwise sought by the other side.
See also discovery.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

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