- discount
dis·count 1 /'dis-ˌkau̇nt/ n: a reduction made from the gross amount or value of something: asa: a reduction made from a regular or list price or a proportionate deduction from a debt account usu. made for prompt payment or for payment in cashb: a reduction made for interest in advancing money upon or purchasing a note not yet dued: the sale of securities that are issued below and redeemed at face value compare premium 1dis·count 2 /'dis-ˌkau̇nt, dis-'kau̇nt/ vt1 a: to make a deduction from usu. for cash or prompt paymentb: to sell or offer at a lowered price2: to lend money on after deducting a discountbanks discount negotiable instruments3: to take into account (a future event or prospect) in making present calculationsvi: to give or make discountsdis·count 3 /'dis-ˌkau̇nt/ adj1 a: selling goods or services at a discounta discount brokerb: offered or sold at a discountdiscount securities2: reflecting a discountthe discount price
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- discount
abatement, allowance, amount deducted, bargain, decessio, decrease, decrement, deductio, deduction, diminution, lower price, markdown, reduction, special price, subtraction
associated concepts: discount a loan, discount bills, discount notes, trade discount
(disbelieve) verb
be indifferent to, belittle, brush aside, decessio, deductio, depreciate, discountenance, discredit, disdain, disesteem, disparage, disregard, distrust, doubt, gloss over, harbor suspicions, ignore, make light of, misprize, mistrust, pass over, pay no attention, pay no heed, pay no mind, question, slight, spurn, suspect
(minimize) verb
abate, abbreviate, abridge, allay, attenuate, condense, curtail, deflate, detract, diminish, lessen, minimalize, pare, reduce, render less, scale down, shorten, underestimate, understate, undervalue
(reduce) verb
abate, allow a margin, cut, decrease, deduct from, depreciate, detract, lower, lower the sale price, make allowance for, mark down, rebate, reduce the mark-up, sell below par, slash prices, strike off, subduct, subtract, take from, take off, underprice, undersell, undervalue
brokerage, deduct (reduce), deduction (diminution), depreciate, discredit, disparage, drawback, except (exclude), exclude, lessen, minimize, rebate (noun), rebate (verb), refund, reject
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- discount
n.An amount subtracted from a larger sum; a deduction from a loan or advance made by a bank when it buys a negotiable instrument due at a future date at a price below its face value.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- discount
Payment of less than the full or regular amount of the price for goods or services or less than the amount due on a promissory note.Category: Personal Finance & RetirementCategory: Real Estate & Rental Property
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
- discount
n.the payment of less than the full amount due on a promissory note or price for goods or services. Usually a discount is by agreement and includes the common situation in which a holder of a long-term promissory note or material goods will sell it/them for less than face value in order to get cash now-the difference is the discount.
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.