
I noun business contact, buyer of labor, cliens, consultor, consumer, customer, employer of legal advice, hirer, offerer, patron, patron of professional servies, patronizer, person employing advice, person represented, person represented by counsel, purchaser, retainer of counsel associated concepts: attorney-client privilege, attorney-client relationship II index consumer, customer, patron (regular customer)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

An individual or organization that employs a professional to provide that professional’s services; someone who employs an attorney to represent him or her in court, to draft legal documents, to advise, or to provide other legal services.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

n. One to whom a lawyer formally renders legal advice, pursuant to an oral or written agreement for such advice to be given; any individual to whom a lawyer provides advice about legal matters.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

A person who employs or retains an attorney to represent him or her in any legal business; to assist, to counsel, and to defend the individual in legal proceedings; and to appear on his or her behalf in court.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

A person who employs or retains an attorney to represent him or her in any legal business; to assist, to counsel, and to defend the individual in legal proceedings; and to appear on his or her behalf in court.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • client — client, cliente [ klijɑ̃, klijɑ̃t ] n. • 1437; lat. cliens, clientis 1 ♦ Antiq. À Rome, Plébéien qui se mettait sous la protection d un patricien appelé patron. ♢ (1538) Vx Personne qui se place sous la protection de qqn. ⇒ protégé. 2 ♦ Mod.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • client — CLIÉNT, Ă, clienţi, e, s.m. şi f. 1. Persoană care cumpără (regulat) de la un magazin, consumă ceva într un local public etc., considerată în raport cu persoana sau întreprinderea de la care cumpără, consumă etc.; muşteriu. 2. Persoană care se… …   Dicționar Român

  • Client — may refer to: Customer, someone who purchases or hires something from someone else Client (computing), software that accesses a remote service on another computer The client (Latin cliens) who received patronage in ancient Rome Client (band), a… …   Wikipedia

  • Client — Cli ent, n. [L. cliens, emtis, for cluens, one who hears (in relation to his protector), a client, fr. L. cluere to be named or called; akin to Gr. ? to hear, Skr. [,c]ry, and E. loud: cf. F. client. See {Loud}.] 1. (Rom. Antiq.) A citizen who… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • client — CLIENT, ENTE. s. Celui, celle qui a chargé de sa cause un Avocat. Il ne se dit proprement que des Parties à l égard de leurs Avocats, et quelquefois des Parties à l égard de leurs Juges. Bon client. C est mon client. Je suis sa cliente. La salle… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • client — client, e n. Ne pas être client, ne pas être disposé à effectuer un acte désavantageux ou désagréable : Vingt bornes à pince ? Merci, je ne suis pas client …   Dictionnaire du Français argotique et populaire

  • client — CLIENT, [cli]ente. s. Celuy ou celle qui a chargé de sa cause un Avocat. Il ne se dit proprement que des parties à l égard de leurs Avocats, mais quelquefois des parties à l égard de leurs Juges, Bon client. c est mon client. je suis sa cliente.… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • client — Client, Qui s est donné en la tutelle et protection de quelque grand seigneur, lequel prend sa defense en toutes choses honnestes à l encontre de tous: et pareillement en tous affaires qu il a, il a aide et secours de ce client, Cliens clientis.… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

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