
dan·ger·ous adj
1: creating a risk of bodily injury
a dangerous condition of a public building
2: able or likely to inflict esp. serious bodily injury
a dangerous criminal with no regard for human life
a dangerous animal; also: deadly
3: likely to engage in repeated criminal activity
a dangerous offender
◇ The activity that an offender is likely to engage in need not involve violence in order for the offender to be deemed dangerous.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I adjective alarming, assailable, attended with risk, baleful, baneful, beset with danger, breakneck, causing danger, deadly, destructive, disastrous, explosive, exposed to risk, fearsome, fraught with danger, fraught with peril, full of risk, harmful, hazardous, hurtful, injurious, involving risk, likely to harm, maleficent, malignant, menacing, minatory, ominous, perilous, pestiferous, risky, serious, threatening, treacherous, unprotected, unreliable, unsafe, unsheltered, unstable, unsteady, unstrengthened, untrustworthy, venomous, vicious, viperine, viperous, virulent associated concepts: attractive nuisance, danger to the community, dangerous animal, dangerous business, dangerous condition, dangerous contraband, dangerous defect, dangerous drug, dangerous employment, dangerous instrument, dangerous instrumentality, dangerous machinery, dangerous occupation, dangerous or defective condition, dangerous place, dangerous premises, dangerous propensities, dangerous structures, dangerous to health, dangerous to life, dangerous trap, dangerous weapon, deadly weapon II index aleatory (perilous), deadly, formidable, harmful, insalubrious, insecure, lethal, malignant, noxious, ominous, peccant (unhealthy), pestilent, precarious, serious (grave), sinister, vicious

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Able to harm or injure; risky or hazardous.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

   unsafe, hazardous, fraught with risk. It can be negligence for which a lawsuit can be brought if damage results from creating or leaving unguarded a dangerous condition which can cause harm to others, a dangerous instrumentality (any device which can cause harm, including explosives and poisonous substances) or dangerous weapon which is inherently hazardous to anyone handling it or within the weapon's range.
   See also: negligence

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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