- fix
fix vt1 a: to make firm, stable, or stationaryb: to attach physically2: to influence the actions, outcome, or effect of by improper or illegal methodsconspiracy to defraud the government by fix ing income tax cases — W. R. LaFave and A. W. Scott, Jr.fix nfix·er n
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- fix
(arrange) verb
adjust, align, array, assign places to, assort, bring into order, catalogue, class, classify, codify, collocate, constituere, coordinate, distribute, divide, establish, file, form, grade, graduate, group, index, introduce order into, line up, list, marshal, methodize, ordinare, organize, place, place in order, prepare, put in order, put in proper order, range, rank, regulate, set in order, sort, sort out, sort systematically, straighten out, systematize, tabulate
associated concepts: fix prices
(make firm) verb
attach, confirm, consolidate, embed, entrench, establish, fasten in position securely, fasten securely, ground, harden, implant, infix, ingraft, ingrain, lock, lodge, make fast, make rigid, pin, place permanently, plant, ratify, render solid, root, secure, set, solidify, stabilize, stiffen, tether
associated concepts: fix compensation, fix rates
(repair) verb
adjust, alter, ameliorate, amend, correct, do repairs, emend, freshen, freshen up, heal, improve, improve upon, invigorate, make corrections, make over, make restoration, make sound, make whole, meliorate, mend, overhaul, patch, patch up, purify, put in condition, put in good condition, put in order, put in repair, put in shape, rebuild, reclaim, recondition, reconstruct, rectify, redintegrate, redress, refashion, reficere, refit, reform, refurbish, regenerate, rehabilitate, reinvigorate, rejuvenate, remake, remedy, remove the errors, renew, renovate, reparare, restituere, restore, retouch, return to the original state, revamp, revive, revivify, right, service, set aright, set right, straighten, touch up
(settle) verb
agree, arrange, arrive at a conclusion, arrive at an agreement, ascertain, come to a determination, come to a resolution, come to an agreement, conclude, constituere, decide, definire, determine, establish, make a decision, resolve, seal, set, statuere, straighten out, work out
adjust (resolve), affix, allocate, annex (add), arrange (methodize), award, bind (restrain), bond (hold together), cement, decide, define, delimit, designate, dispose (apportion), embed, emend, entanglement (involvement), help, hold (decide), marshal, plant (place firmly), predicament, redress, reform, rehabilitate, remedy, renew (refurbish), renovate, repair, repose (place), restore (renew)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- fix
v.(1) To establish something permanently or for the long-term.(2) To decide or settle something; to set a price.adj.fixed
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.