indorsement, accommodation

indorsement, accommodation
An indorsement made without consideration for the benefit of the person holding the instrument, allowing that person to receive credit or a loan on the basis of the indorsement.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

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  • accommodation — /akomsdeyshan/ An arrangement or engagement made as a favor to another, not upon a consideration received. Something done to oblige, usually spoken of a loan of money or commercial paper; also a friendly agreement or composition of differences.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • accommodation — /akomsdeyshan/ An arrangement or engagement made as a favor to another, not upon a consideration received. Something done to oblige, usually spoken of a loan of money or commercial paper; also a friendly agreement or composition of differences.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • indorsement — I noun acceptance, accord, acquiescence, adfirmatio, affirmance, agreement, approbation, approval, assent, authorization, backing, certification, championship, compliance, comprobatio, concurrence, confirmatio, confirmation, consent,… …   Law dictionary

  • accommodation — I (adjustment) noun accordance, adaptation, agreement, arrangement, compositio, composition of differences, compromise, friendly agreement, harmonization, mutual understanding, obliging, provision, readjustment, reconciliatio, rectification,… …   Law dictionary

  • indorsement — /andorsmant/ The act of a payee, drawee, accommodation indorser, or holder of a bill, note, check, or other negotiable instrument, in writing his name upon the back of the same, with or without further or qualifying words, whereby the property in …   Black's law dictionary

  • indorsement — /andorsmant/ The act of a payee, drawee, accommodation indorser, or holder of a bill, note, check, or other negotiable instrument, in writing his name upon the back of the same, with or without further or qualifying words, whereby the property in …   Black's law dictionary

  • accommodation indorser — A party who places his name to a note without consideration for purpose of benefiting or accommodating some other party. U.C.C. No. 3 415. See also indorsement …   Black's law dictionary

  • accommodation indorser — A party who places his name to a note without consideration for purpose of benefiting or accommodating some other party. U.C.C. No. 3 415. See also indorsement …   Black's law dictionary

  • endorsement — en·dorse·ment also in·dorse·ment n 1: the act or process of endorsing 2: an inscription (as a signature or notation) on a document or instrument; esp: an inscription usu. on the back of a negotiable instrument that transfers or guarantees the… …   Law dictionary

  • support — sup·port 1 vt 1 a: to promote the interests or cause of b: to uphold or defend as valid or right c: to argue or vote for 2: to provide with substantiation or corroboration support an alibi 3: to provide with the means …   Law dictionary

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