- support
sup·port 1 vt1 a: to promote the interests or cause ofb: to uphold or defend as valid or rightc: to argue or vote for2: to provide with substantiation or corroborationsupport an alibi3: to provide with the means of livelihood (as housing, food, or clothing) esp. in accordance with an agreement or court order4: to hold up or in position: maintain the physical integrity ofthe right to have one's land support ed by the underlying landsupport 2 n1: the act or process of supporting: the condition of being supportedpledged the candidate their support2: a means of obtaining the necessities of life (as food, shelter, and clothing): a source of livelihood esp. in the form of alimony or child support3: something that provides support
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- support
(assistance) noun
accommodation, adiumentum, aid, assist, assistance, auxillum, backing, comfort, contribution, cooperation, defense, encouragement, endowment, help, helping hand, lift, livelihood, mainstay, maintenance, patronage, preservation, promotion, protection, relief, subsistence, succor, subsidium, sustenance, upkeep
associated concepts: alimony, child support, failure to provide support, inadequate support, maintenance
(corroboration) noun
affirmation, approval, attestation, authentication, backing, certification, circumstantiation, confirmation, documentation, endorsement, fortification, justification, ratification, strengthening, substantiation, validation, verification, vindication
(assist) verb
accommodate, adesse, aid, back, bolster, champion, come to the defense of, come to the help of, contribute, cooperate with, defend, endorse, facilitate, feed, finance, furnish funds, further, help, lend money to, maintain, minister to, nourish, patronize, promote, protect, provide for, reinforce, second, subsidize, suffragan, supply the necessities of, sustain, take care of, take the part of, uphold
foreign phrases:
- Parentum est liberos alere atiam nothos. — It is the duty of parents to support their children even when illegitimateIV (corroborate) verb accredit, affirm, attest, authenticate, back up, bear out, buttress, certify, circumstantiate, confirm, establish, make absolute, make good, make more certain, prove, ratify, reinforce, strengthen, substantiate, sustain, uphold in evidence, validate, verify, vindicate, vouch for V (justify) verb account for, approve, defend, defend successfully, explain, give grounds for, make defense for, make legitimate, provide justification, say in defense, stand up for, vindicate VI index abet, abettor, accommodate, accommodation (backing), adhere (maintain loyalty), adhesion (loyalty), advantage, advocacy, advocate (espouser), advocate, affirm (uphold), aid (help), aid (subsistence), aid, alimony, allegiance, allow (authorize), approval, approve, assist, assistance, attest, auspices, base (foundation), basis, bear (tolerate), behalf, benevolence (act of kindness), bolster, bulwark, capitalize (provide capital), care (regard), certification (attested copy), charity, charter (sanction), choose, concur (agree), confederate, confirm, confirmation, conform, consent (noun), consent (verb), conservation, contribute (assist), cornerstone, corroborate, corroboration, cosign, countenance, countersign, coverage (insurance), defend, defense, demonstrate (establish), document, documentation, ecology, embrace (accept), enable, encourage, endorse, enforcement, espouse, expedite, favor (sanction), favor, fealty, finance, foster, foundation (basis), frame (structure), goodwill, grant (concede), ground, guarantee, guaranty, help (noun), help (verb), indorse, indorsement, invest (fund), involve (participate), justify, keep (continue), keep (shelter), let (permit), livelihood, loyalty, mainstay, maintain (sustain), nurture, palliate (excuse), partisan, pass (approve), patronage (support), patronize (trade with), pay (noun), pay (verb), pension, preservation, preserve, promote (organize), protect, protection, prove, quote, reassure, recommend, recommendation, reinforce, reinforcement, reliance, relief (aid), resource, safekeeping, sanction (permission), sanction, seal (solemnize), security (safety), service (assistance), shelter (protection), side, sponsor, subscribe (promise), subsidize, substantiate, sustain (confirm), sustenance, underwrite, uphold, verify (confirm), vouch
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- support
v.(1) To provide someone with money, a home, and the necessities of life.(2) To encourage; to approve of; to defend; to aid.(3) To corroborate; to back up with evidence.(4) To hold something up; to bear the weight of something.n.support See also alimony, child support, maintain
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- support
As a verb, furnishing funds or means for maintenance; to maintain; to provide for; to enable to continue; to carry on. To provide a means of livelihood. To vindicate, to maintain, to defend, to uphold with aid or countenance.As a noun, that which furnishes a livelihood; a source or means of living; subsistence, sustenance, maintenance, or living.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- support
As a verb, furnishing funds or means for maintenance; to maintain; to provide for; to enable to continue; to carry on. To provide a means of livelihood. To vindicate, to maintain, to defend, to uphold with aid or countenance.As a noun, that which furnishes a livelihood; a source or means of living; subsistence, sustenance, maintenance, or living.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.