infamous crime — noun : a crime judged infamous because it constitutes treason or a felony, because it involves moral turpitude of a nature that creates a strong presumption that the one guilty is unworthy of belief in a court of law, or because it subjects the… … Useful english dictionary
infamous crime — A term of more than one connotation; sometimes referring to the manner of punishment, at other times to the effect of a conviction upon the credibility of the delinquent. 21 Am J2d Crim L § 23. Determined by the nature of the punishment rather… … Ballentine's law dictionary
infamous crime against nature — See pederasty; penetration per anum; sodomy … Ballentine's law dictionary
infamous crime against nature — sodomy … Useful english dictionary
crime — / krīm/ n [Middle French, from Latin crimen fault, accusation, crime] 1: conduct that is prohibited and has a specific punishment (as incarceration or fine) prescribed by public law compare delict, tort 2: an offense against public law … Law dictionary
crime — A positive or negative act in violation of penal law; an offense against the State or United States. Crime and misdemeanor , properly speaking, are synonymous terms; though in common usage crime is made to denote such offenses as are of a more… … Black's law dictionary
crime — A positive or negative act in violation of penal law; an offense against the State or United States. Crime and misdemeanor , properly speaking, are synonymous terms; though in common usage crime is made to denote such offenses as are of a more… … Black's law dictionary
Crime family — A crime family is a term used to describe a unit of an organized crime syndicate, often operating within a specific geographic territory. The term is used almost exclusively to refer to units of the Mafia, both in Sicily and in the United States … Wikipedia
infamous — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin infamis, from in + fama fame Date: 14th century 1. having a reputation of the worst kind ; notoriously evil < an infamous traitor > 2. causing or bringing infamy ; disgraceful < an infamous crime > … New Collegiate Dictionary
infamous — See infamia facti; infamous crime … Ballentine's law dictionary