- occupy
(engage) verb
absorb, absorb the attention, absorb the mind, absorb the thoughts, address oneself to, amuse, apply oneself to, apply the attention to, apply the mind to, arrest the attention, attract the attention, attract the mind, attract the thoughts, be active with, be at work on, be concerned with, be employed, busy oneself with, captivate, catch the attention, claim one's thoughts, concentrate on, concern oneself with, devote, direct the attention to, direct the mind to, engage the attention, engage the mind, engage the thoughts, engross, engross the mind, engross the thoughts, entertain, enthrall, entrance, excite the attention, fascinate, go about, immerse, in re versari, interest, invite the attention, involve, keep busy, monopolize, monopolize the thoughts, obsess, occupare, plunge into, ply, preoccupy, rivet the attention, rivet the mind, rivet the thoughts, set about, set to work, specialize in, spend one's time in, tackle, take employment, take on, take part, take up, tenere, turn the attention to, turn the mind to, undertake, work at
(take possession) verb
abide, acquire, annex, appropriate, assume, assume ownership, be possessed of, capere, capture, claim, colonize, command, conquer, control, denizen, dominate, dwell, dwell in, expropriate, have possession of, have rights to, have title to, help oneself to, hold, indwell, inhabit, invade, keep, keep hold of, keep house, live, live in, lodge, make one's home at, move into, obtain, occupare, own, possess, procure, recover, reside in, retain, seize, settle in, stay, take from, take over, take up residence in
associated concepts: actually occupy, lawfully occupy
consist, dwell (reside), engage (involve), hold (possess), immerse (engross), inhabit, interest, monopolize, own, possess, preempt, reside
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- occupy
v.(1) To reside in; to hold; to fill.(2) To conquer and inhabit a land or nation with an army.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.