- outline
(boundary) noun
ambit, border, bounds, bourn, brink, circuit, circumference, circumscription, compass, confine, contour, demarcation, edge, edging, external form, extrema lineamenta, extremity, frame, fringes, frontier, limitations, limits, line of demarcation, lineaments, margin, metes, pale, perimeter, periphery, profile, rim, skirt, threshold, tracing, verge
(synopsis) noun
abbreviation, abridgment, abstract, adumbratio, agenda, brief, compend, compendium, compression, condensation, conspectus, contents, contraction, core, digest, epitome, essence, minute, note, pandect, recapitulation, report, skeleton, sketch, summation, syllabus
ambit, arrangement (plan), blueprint, border, border (bound), boundary, brief, capsule, characterize, circumscribe (define), circumscribe (surround by boundary), compendium, complexion, condense, configuration (confines), configuration (form), construe (translate), delineate, delineation, demarcate, depict, describe, description, design (construction plan), digest, digest (summarize), dimension, direction (course), edge (border), form (arrangement), hedge, inform (notify), mete, mode, pandect (treatise), pattern, periphery, plan, plot, portray, practice (procedure), program (noun), program (verb), project, prospectus, render (depict), report (disclose), represent (portray), scenario, schedule, scheme, suggestion, summary, synopsis
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- outline
n.A summary of the key points of a document, argument, or topic, arranged as a list; a summary of the key points of a law school class done by a law student or a commercial publisher, created as a study aid.v.outline
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.