- realize
re·al·ize /'rē-ə-ˌlīz/ vt -ized, -iz·ing1: to convert into money2: to obtain or incur (as a gain or loss) esp. as the result of a sale, exchange, or other disposition of an assetre·al·i·za·tion /ˌrē-ə-lə-'zā-shən/ n
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- realize
(make real) verb
accomplish, achieve, actualize, bring about, bring to pass, carry into effect, carry out, carry through, complete, consummate, do, effect, effectuate, efficere, engineer, facere, implement, materialize, perform, produce, substantiate
(obtain as a profit) verb
achieve, acquire, attain, benefit, clear, come by, earn, enjoy, gain, get, make, net, obtain, obtain a return, pecuniam redigere, procure, produce, profit, reap, receive, turn into cash, turn into money
(understand) verb
absorb, appreciate, apprehend, assimilate, become aware, become conscious, cognize, comprehend, comprehendere, digest, discern, fathom, grasp, intellegere, know, learn, make out, perceive, recognize, see, take in
accomplish, acquire (secure), appreciate (comprehend), apprehend (perceive), attain, avail (bring about), collect (recover money), commit (perpetrate), complete, comprehend (understand), conceive (comprehend), conjure, construe (comprehend), consummate, detect, discern (detect with the senses), discharge (perform), discover, dispatch (dispose of), earn, effectuate, execute (accomplish), find (discover), fulfill, gain, implement, invent (produce for the first time), note (notice), notice (observe), obtain, pass (satisfy requirements), perceive, pierce (discern), procure, produce (manufacture), profit, reap, receive (acquire), recognize (acknowledge), recover, solve, substantiate, succeed (attain)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- realize
v.To make money from something; to receive profits from investments.n.realization
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.