
re·pri·sal /ri-'prī-zəl/ n [Anglo-French reprisaile reprisaille, from Middle French, from Old Italian ripresaglia, from ripreso, past participle of riprendere to take back, from ri- back + prendere to take, from Latin prehendere]
1 a: the act or practice in international law of resorting to force short of war in retaliation for damage or loss suffered
b: an instance of such action
2: a retaliatory act
may not fire a complaining employee in reprisal

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun avengement, counterattack, counterblast, counterplot, counterstroke, desert, disciplinary action, discipline, due, due punishment, getting even, measure for measure, nemesis, penalty, punishment, punition, punitive action, reaction, reciprocation, repayment, requital, retaliation, retribution, retributive justice, return, revenge, revengefulness, talion, vendetta, vengeance, vengefulness, vindictiveness II index conviction (finding of guilt), counterattack, exchange, penalty, reaction (opposition), requital, retribution, revenge, vengeance

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Retaliation; an act done out of spite or to retaliate for some real or imagined wrong; seizure of people or goods belonging to a foreign nation done as retaliation for some wrong.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

The act of punishing another for some injury the latter caused. In terms of international law, a reprisal is the forcible taking, in time of peace, by the government of one country of the property or territory belonging to another country or belonging to the citizens of the other country, as redress intended to satisfy a claim.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

The act of punishing another for some injury the latter caused. In terms of international law, a reprisal is the forcible taking, in time of peace, by the government of one country of the property or territory belonging to another country or belonging to the citizens of the other country, as redress intended to satisfy a claim.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • Reprisal — Re*pris al (r? priz al), n. [F. repr?saille, It. ripresaglia, rappresaglia, LL. reprensaliae, fr. L. reprehendere, reprehensum. See {Reprehend}, {Reprise}.] 1. The act of taking from an enemy by way of reteliation or indemnity. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • reprisal — early 15c., seizing property or citizens of another nation in retaliation for loss inflicted on one s own, from Anglo Fr. reprisaille (mid 14c.), from O.Fr. reprisaille, from early It. ripresaglia, from ripreso, pp. of riprendere take back, from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • reprisal — *retaliation, retribution, revenge, vengeance …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • reprisal — [n] revenge avengement, avenging, counterblow, counterstroke, eye for an eye*, paying back, requital, retaliation, retribution, vengeance; concept 384 Ant. kindness, sympathy …   New thesaurus

  • reprisal — ► NOUN 1) an act of retaliation. 2) historical the forcible seizure of a foreign subject or their goods as an act of retaliation. ORIGIN Old French reprisaille, from Latin reprehendere seize, check, rebuke …   English terms dictionary

  • reprisal — [ri prī′zəl] n. [ME reprisail < MFr reprisaille < It rappresaglia < riprendere, to take back < L reprehendere: see REPREHEND] 1. Historical the forcible seizure of property or subjects in retaliation for an injury inflicted by another …   English World dictionary

  • reprisal — n. 1) to carry out reprisals 2) a harsh reprisal 3) a reprisal against, on 4) in reprisal for 5) (misc.) by way of reprisal * * * [rɪ praɪz(ə)l] on (misc.) by way of reprisal a harsh reprisal a reprisal against in reprisal for …   Combinatory dictionary

  • reprisal — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ bloody, brutal, savage, violent ▪ military ▪ The government responded with harsh military reprisals. ▪ economic …   Collocations dictionary

  • Reprisal — Not to be confused with a reprise. In warfare, a reprisal is a limited and deliberate violation of the laws of war to punish an enemy for breaking the laws of war. A legally executed reprisal is not an .To be legally justified, a reprisal can… …   Wikipedia

  • reprisal — UK [rɪˈpraɪz(ə)l] / US noun [countable/uncountable, often plural] Word forms reprisal : singular reprisal plural reprisals something unpleasant that is done to punish an enemy or opponent because of something bad that they have done to you… …   English dictionary

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