
show vt showed, shown, or, showed, show·ing: to demonstrate or establish by argument, reasoning, or evidence
must show a compelling need for the court action
show cause: to establish by reasoning and evidence a valid reason for something
if a debtor wishes to extend a plan beyond three years, he must show cause — J. H. Williamson
must show cause why the petition may not be granted

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (display) noun affectation, amusement, appearance, array, ceremony, chance, color, deceptive appearance, delusion, demonstration, distortion, exhibit, exhibition, expression, facade, flashiness, flourish, frills, front, illusion, impression, manifestation, materialization, occasion, outward show, parade, phenomenon, pomp, pomposity, pompousness, pose, presence, pretense, pretext, revelation, scene, semblance, show, showiness, sight, simulation, specious appearance, splash, trick, veneer, window-dressing associated concepts: show cause II (production) noun entertainment, exhibition, exposition, performance, presentation, spectacle III (come into view) verb be seen, be visible, bring under notice, make one see, materialize, present ones self IV (detail) verb adduce, attest, bare, be visible, bear, cite, clarify, demean, demonstrate, denote, depict, designate, detail, disclose, display, document, edify, educate, establish, evidence, evince, exemplify, exhibit, explain, expose, express, furnish evidence, illustrate, indicate, inform, instruct, lay bare, make known, manifest, point out, point the way, portray, present, present one's self, produce, prove, render, represent, reveal, set forth, set straight, signify, specify, tell, testify, unveil, unfold, unmask V index adduce, appearance (look), argue, bare, bear (adduce), betray (disclose), brandish, cite (state), clarify, color (deceptive appearance), demean (deport oneself), demonstrate (establish), denote, denude, depict, designate, detail (particularize), discipline (train), disinter, display, document, edify, educate, emerge, evince, exhibit, explain, expose, express, expression (manifestation), flaunt, histrionics, hypocrisy, illustrate, indicate, instruct (teach), manifest, manifestation, performance (workmanship), phenomenon (manifestation), portray, present (introduce), pretense (ostentation), pretense (pretext), pretext, produce (offer to view), prove, purport, render (depict), represent (portray), semblance, signify (denote), specify, testify, unveil

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

To illustrate; to prove; to exhibit or display; to produce evidence of something.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

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  • show — [ ʃo ] n. m. • 1930; « exhibition » fin XIXe; mot angl. « spectacle » ♦ Anglic. Spectacle de variétés centré sur une vedette ou exclusivement réservé à une vedette (⇒ one man show). Show télévisé. Des shows. Apparition publique démonstrative (d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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