
us·age /'yü-sij, -zij/ n: an habitual or uniform practice esp. in an area or trade compare custom

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun application, conduct, consuetude, consuetude*, convention, custom, customary use, disposition, employment, established custom, established practice, fashion, fixed procedure, form, formula, habit, habitual use, habitude, management, manner, method, mode, mos, operation, practice, prescription, prevalence, routine, service, style, system, tradition, treatment, use, utilization, vogue, wear, wont associated concepts: common usage, custom and usage, general usage foreign phrases:
- Consuetudo ex certa causa rationabili usitata privat communem legem. — A custom, based on a certain and reasonable cause, supersedes the common law
- Optimus interpres rerum usus. — Usage is the best interpreter of things
- In contractibus, tacite insunt quae sunt moris et consuetudlnis. — In contracts, matters of custom and usage are tacitly implied
- Non ex opinionibus singulorum, sed ex communi usu, nomina exaudiri debent. — The names of things ought to be understood, not according to individual opinions, but according to common usage
- Obtemperandum est consuetudini rationabili tanquam legi. — A reasonable custom is to be obeyed like law.
- Quae praeter consuetudinem et morem majorum Hunt neque placent neque recta videntur. — Things which are done contrary to the custom and manner of our ancestors neither please nor appear right
II index consumption, custom, function, management (judicious use), manner (behavior), means (opportunity), mode, phraseology, practice (custom), prescription (custom), procedure, use

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

A practice that is usual within a particular business; the typical way of doing an activity or interpreting a word or phrase within a profession or kind of business. See also custom, trade usage

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

A reasonable and legal practice in a particular location, or among persons in a specific business or trade, that is either known to the individuals involved or is well established, general, and uniform to such an extent that a presumption may properly be made that the parties acted with reference to it in their transactions.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

A reasonable and legal practice in a particular location, or among persons in a specific business or trade, that is either known to the individuals involved or is well established, general, and uniform to such an extent that a presumption may properly be made that the parties acted with reference to it in their transactions.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • usagé — usagé …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • usage — [ yzaʒ ] n. m. • XIIe; du lat. usus → us I ♦ 1 ♦ (1190) Le fait d appliquer, de faire agir (un objet, une matière), pour obtenir un effet, que cet objet, cette matière subsiste (⇒ utilisation), disparaisse (⇒ consommation) ou se modifie e …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • usagé — usage [ yzaʒ ] n. m. • XIIe; du lat. usus → us I ♦ 1 ♦ (1190) Le fait d appliquer, de faire agir (un objet, une matière), pour obtenir un effet, que cet objet, cette matière subsiste (⇒ utilisation), disparaisse (⇒ …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • usage — Usage. s. m. Coustume, pratique receuë. Long, constant, perpetuel, ancien usage. c estoit l usage du pays, du temps. cela est receu par l usage. c est l usage. l usage le veut ainsi. l usage est le maistre des langues vivantes. ce mot n est pas… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • usage — Usage, m. penac. C est ce que le Latin dit Vsus, dont il descend. Usage aussi se prent pour coustume, et selon ce on trouve souvent au coustumier de France ces deux mots Usage, et coustume pour une mesme chose, d autant que coustume n est autre… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Usage — Us age, n. [F. usage, LL. usaticum. See {Use}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of using; mode of using or treating; treatment; conduct with respect to a person or a thing; as, good usage; ill usage; hard usage. [1913 Webster] My brother Is prisoner to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • usage — UK US /ˈjuːsɪdʒ/ noun [U] ► the process of using something: »The software allows marketers to track the usage patterns of each customer. ► the amount of something used, such as energy, internet time, etc.: »The plan offers unlimited internet… …   Financial and business terms

  • usagé — usagé, ée (u za jé, jée) adj. Terme familier. Qui a de l usage. Les femmes les moins usagées. HISTORIQUE    XVe s. •   Usagés es faits d armes, FROISS. II, II, 184. SUPPLÉMENT AU DICTIONNAIRE    USAGÉ. Ajoutez :2° Qui a servi, qui a fait de l… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • usage — (n.) c.1300, established practice, custom, from Anglo Fr. and O.Fr. usage custom, habit, experience, from us, from L. usus use, custom (see USE (Cf. use)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Usage — (fr., spr. Üsahsch), Brauch, Gebrauch, Herkommen, Gewohnheit; daher U. du monde, Weltsitte, Weltton …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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