
val·id /'va-ləd/ adj
1: having legal efficacy or force
a valid license; esp: executed with proper authority and form
a valid contract
a valid search
2: having a legitimate basis: justifiable
a valid reason for terminating the employee
3: appropriate to the end in view
va·lid·i·ty /və-'li-də-tē/ n
val·id·ly adv

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I adjective accurate, attested, authentic, authoritative, authorized, binding, bona fide, canonic, canonical, conclusive, confirmed, constitutional, correct, credible, effective, effectual, enforceable, executed with proper formalities, factual, firmus, forcible, good, gravis, having legal force, having legal strength, iustus, lawful, legal, legalized, legally binding, legitimate, licit, logical, official, potent, powerful, proved, sanctioned, scientific, solid, sound, statutory, strong, substantial, supportable by law, sustainable in law, true, truthful, veritable, warranted, well-grounded associated concepts: valid argument, valid case, valid claim, valid commitment, valid consideration, valid contract, valid delivery, valid existing marriage, valid gift, valid judgment, valid obligation, valid reasoning, valid reasons, valid statute II index accurate, actual, adequate, allowed, authentic, certain (positive), cogent, convincing, de facto, deductible (provable), demonstrable, documentary, effective (efficient), effective (operative), factual, genuine, honest, lawful, legal, legitimate (rightful), licit, official, operative, persuasive, potent, real, reasonable (rational), right (correct), right (suitable), rightful, solid (sound), substantial, suitable, true (authentic), unrefutable, viable

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Properly executed and legally binding; legitimate; acceptable.
validity See also void

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1 Legally binding, such as a valid agreement.
2 Having merit, as in, "given the facts presented in this case, it is valid to conclude that she did what she was charged with having done."

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

Binding; possessing legal force or strength; legally sufficient.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

Binding; possessing legal force or strength; legally sufficient.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • valid — val‧id [ˈvæld] adjective LAW a valid document or agreement is legally acceptable, often for a fixed period of time: • The court ruled that the firm s patent is valid and enforceable. • Investors with valid claims against the company could… …   Financial and business terms

  • valid — valid, sound, cogent, convincing, compelling, telling can all be applied directly or indirectly to arguments, reasons, principles, or processes of thought or to their presentation and mean having or manifesting the power to impress themselves on… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Valid — Val id, a. [F. valide, F. validus strong, from valere to be strong. See {Valiant}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Strong; powerful; efficient. [Obs.] Perhaps more valid arms . . . may serve to better us. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Having sufficient strength… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • valid — VALÍD, Ă, valizi, de, adj. 1. (Despre oameni) Apt pentru muncă (sau pentru o anumită activitate); p. gener. sănătos. 2. (Despre o acţiune, un act, un contract) Care îndeplineşte condiţiile cerute de lege; valabil. – Din fr. valide. Trimis de… …   Dicționar Român

  • valid — [val′id] adj. [Fr valide < L validus, strong, powerful (in ML, valid) < valere, to be strong: see VALUE] 1. having legal force; properly executed and binding under the law 2. well grounded on principles or evidence; able to withstand… …   English World dictionary

  • Valīd — (lat.), kräftig; rechtskräftig, rechtsgültig; Validität, Rechtsgültigkeit; validieren, etwas in rechtsgültiger Form vollziehen, geltend machen, bekräftigen, im Handel: gültig sein, einen Wert durch einen andern, z. B. Waren durch Wechselsendung,… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Valid — Valīd (lat.), kräftig; rechtsgültig; Validität, Rechtsgültigkeit; validieren, geltend machen, in rechtsgültiger Form vollziehen; bei Kaufleuten: für gute Zahlung gelten; Validation, Gültigkeitserklärung, Anerkennung …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Valid — Valid, lat. deutsch, kräftig, giltig; Validität, Rechtsgiltigkeit; Validation, Giltigkeitserklärung …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • valid — valid:⇨gültig(1) …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • valid — 1570s, having force in law, legally binding, from M.Fr. valide, from L. validus strong, effective, from valere be strong (see VALIANT (Cf. valiant)). The meaning supported by facts or authority is first recorded 1640s …   Etymology dictionary

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