
wrong 1 n
1: a violation of the rights of another; esp: tort
2: something (as conduct, practices, or qualities) contrary to justice, goodness, equity, or law
the difference between right and wrong
wrong 2 vt: to do a wrong to: treat with injustice

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun abomination, abuse, atrocity, crime, delinquency, dereliction, evil, grievance, harm, illegality, immorality, improbity, infraction, iniquity, iniuria, injury, injustice, lawlessness, malfeasance, malpractice, miscreancy, misdeed, misdoing, mistake, mistreatment, obliquity, offense, outrage, sin, transgression, trespass, turpitude, unfairness, unrighteousness, vice, villainy, violation, violation of right, wickedness foreign phrases:
- Scienti et volenti non fit injuria. — A wrong is not done to a person who understands and consents
- Peccatum peccato addit qui culpae quam facit patrocinium defensionis adjungit. — He adds one offense to another who connects a wrong which he has committed with his defense
- Nemo ex suo delicto meliorem suam conditionem facere potest. — No one can improve his condition by his own misdeed
- Nemo ex proprio dolo consequitur actionem. — No one acquires a right of action from his own fraud
- Un ne doit prise advantage de son tort demesne. — One ought not to take advantage of his own wrong.
- Nemo damnum facit, nisi qui id fecit quod facere fus non habet. — No one is considered as doing damage, except he who does that which he has no right to do.
- Jus ex injuria non oritur. — A right does not arise from a wrong.
- Injuria non excusat injuriam. — One wrong does not excuse another
- Ubi et dantls et accipientis turpitudo versatur, non posse repeti dicimus; quotiens autem accipientis turpitudo versatur, repeti posse. — Where there is turpitude by both giver and receiver, we say it cannot be recovered back, but whenever the turpitude is in the receiver only, it can be recovered
- Ubicunque est injuria, ibi damnum sequitur. — Wherever there is a wrong, there damage follows
- Nullum iniquum est praesumendum in jure. — Nothing iniquitous is to be presumed in law
- Nullus videtur dolo facere qui suo jure utitur. — No one is considered to have committed a wrong who exercises his legal rights
- Aliquid conceditur ne injuria remaneat impunita, quod alias non concederetur. — Something is conceded, lest a wrong remain unredressed, which otherwise would not be conceded
II index abuse (violate), affront, arrant (onerous), at fault, blame (culpability), blameworthy, crime, culpable, damage (noun), damage (verb), delict, delinquency (misconduct), disservice, errant, erroneous, fallacious, false (inaccurate), faulty, felonious, grievance, ground, guilt, harm, harrow, heinous, illicit, immoral, impermissible, improper, inaccurate, inadmissible, inadvisable, inapplicable, inapposite, incorrect, infraction, infringement, iniquitous, injury, injustice, inopportune, irregular (improper), mendacious, mens rea, mischief, misconduct, misdeed, misdemeanor, misdoing, misfeasance, mishandle (maltreat), mistreat, nefarious, objectionable, offense, peccant (culpable), persecute, perverse, prejudice (injury), prejudice (injure), reprehensible, sinister, sophistic, tort, transgression, unethical, unfit, unjust, unjustifiable, unseemly, unsound (fallacious), unsustainable, untenable, untrue, vice, vicious, violation, wrongful

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) Incorrect; false.
(2) Immoral; dishonest; violating the rights of another.
An immoral, unjust, or injurious act; a violation of someone’s legal rights that results in harm; a breach of one’s legal duty that results in harm to someone else.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1 n. A violation of another person's legal rights; an illegal act.
2 v. To violate another person's rights or to do harm.
See also tort.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

A violation, by one individual, of another individual's legal rights.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

A violation, by one individual, of another individual's legal rights.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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