national insurance contribution

national insurance contribution
National Insurance Contributions must be paid by employers and employees. They are collected through the "pay as you earn" (PAYE) income tax collection system. The employer must make appropriate deductions from earnings and make payments of both his and his employees' contributions each month.

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  • National Insurance contribution — NIC Payments made by those with earned income that contribute to the National Insurance Fund, from which benefits are paid. These benefits include retirement pensions, unemployment pay, widow s benefits, invalidity benefit, and certain sickness… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • National Insurance contribution — /ˌnæʃ(ə)nəl ɪn ʃυərəns kɒntrɪˌbju:ʃ(ə)n/ noun a proportion of income paid each month by an employee and the employee’s company to the National Insurance scheme which helps to fund sickness and unemployment benefit and state pensions. Abbreviation …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • National Insurance — Taxation in the United Kingdom This article is part of the series: Politics and government of the United Kingdom Central government HM Treasury HM Revenue and Customs Income tax …   Wikipedia

  • National Insurance Fund — The National Insurance Fund represents the funds of the National Insurance Scheme, set up by the British Government following World War II. In the Beveridge Report this was designed as part of a universal insurance system for all British people.… …   Wikipedia

  • National Insurance contributions — NIC Payments made by those with earned income that contribute to the National Insurance Fund, from which benefits are paid. These benefits include retirement pensions, jobseekers allowance, widow s benefits, incapacity benefit, and maternity… …   Accounting dictionary

  • National Insurance Act 1946 — The National Insurance Act 1946 was a British Act of Parliament which established a comprehensive system of social security throughout the United Kingdom. All persons of working age had to pay a weekly contribution and in return were entitled to… …   Wikipedia

  • National health insurance — (sometimes called statutory health insurance) is health insurance that insures a national population for the costs of health care and usually is instituted as a program of healthcare reform. It is enforced by law. It may be administered by the… …   Wikipedia

  • insurance — /in shoor euhns, sherr /, n. 1. the act, system, or business of insuring property, life, one s person, etc., against loss or harm arising in specified contingencies, as fire, accident, death, disablement, or the like, in consideration of a… …   Universalium

  • National Health Service (England) — The NHS Logo for England …   Wikipedia

  • contribution — money placed in an individual retirement account ( IRA), an employer sponsored retirement plan, or other retirement plan for a particular tax year. Contributions may be deductible or nondeductible, depending on the type of account. Bloomberg… …   Financial and business terms

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